First of all, I want to thank Tim Lewis for giving me the idea for this post. As is often the case when one is preaching the Message of God's Word to an audience, a grain of truth finds its way into a heart in a way that the messenger may not be aware of or even intended. In pointing out the sad truth that some have a hard time believing that God could love them because their sin is so grievous, I was encouraged to think of my own life and admit what I knew to be true, but, like everyone else, sometimes have a hard time remembering. God loves me! Thanks, Tim.
Guilt is a good thing...with some qualifications. This is such a radical idea in this day and age, that some may actually stop reading right here. Please do not!! Some have the idea that guilt is the greatest of evils. The television is full of preachers who preach that guilt should be the furthest thing from your mind; that Jesus died to absolve you of all guilt. Well, that is only part of the story.
Yes, Jesus did come into this world bringing salvation to all men (Titus 2:11); however, that salvation is offered conditionally (i.e. on the condition that we respond to that offer in faithful obedience and faithful obedience as God has defined it in His Word). What does that have to do with guilt? Guilt is built into us by God and is a good thing when allowed to function as He intended. And that function is to help us humble ourselves before God. Guilt reminds me that I am a sinner and that when I approach the throne of God, "I am a man of unclean lips" (Isaiah 6:5). I do not deserve to be in His presence; I do not deserve His grace. Thanks be to God, however, that He does not act on my behalf based on what I deserve, but on His own love toward me!
Here is the message I want to leave you with today. You may very well think that your sin is so bad that God could not possibly forgive you, never mind love you, but you are wrong. You may think it bold of me to say that, but it's true. Do you find yourself in a cycle of sin that has you feeling guilty, sincerely repenting and then, after a period of time, returning to the same sin? I do! When I consider my life, I remember that Jesus promised to "vomit out" of His mouth the lukewarm Christian (Revelation 3:16 NKJV). My guilt sometimes makes me think He must surely have me in mind because that is what I think of myself.
It is somewhat like the husband that gets angry and beats his wife. We have all seen this guy on television (sometimes reality TV). We do not have much pity for someone who would do that, and we really don't understand why his wife will defend him and then forgive him and take him back when he comes in tears and apologizes and promises to never do it again. Please do not misunderstand me to be defending such behavior!! If you are like me, when you see that guy on TV, you think to yourself when he apologizes, or she defends him, "Yeah, right!" We know he will do it again, don't we? When I sin, I feel like I'm that guy!
We think we have people figured out...that we know someone (e.g. like the wife-beater who will do it again). We don't buy their apologies or penitence one little bit!! And I have committed certain sins so many times that God must surely think the very same thing of me. If I am so disgusted with myself, He must be, too. The fact of the matter is, God does know me. He knows the sincerity of my heart, the self-loathing I feel when I come to Him in penitent prayer, asking - no begging - for His forgiveness. When I have Godly sorrow (2 Corinthians 7:10), He knows the truth about whether there is "longing" in my heart to be right with Him, or if there is really is a "zeal" about my desire to be right with Him (2 Corinthians 7:11).
Well, it makes me feel a little better to know that I do not have to worry that I was not convincing enough to God when I repented. I am left with the acknowledgement of my weakness and a need for His strength to keep fighting to overcome the temptation to commit that certain sin.
I truly love the people in my life who say nice things about me; who tell me they admire this or that thing about me. However, every time I hear a compliment, a part of my mind thinks, "If you only knew..." and the self-loathing is there, always there, ready to bind that heavy ball and chain of guilt to my ankle. I feel its weight and I feel its threat to overwhelm me. Another preacher many years ago reminded me of something that I have tried to repeat as often as I can. We all realize the most difficult person to forgive is...yourself. The fact of the matter is: forgiveness is not my job! Forgiveness of me is God's job; my job is repentance and faithful obedience to His will. So, I must do my job and let God do His!!
Friend, do not give up in despair and hopelessness when you find yourself in that cycle of sin. God knows you and your heart and He knew it before the foundations of the earth; Jesus knew it when He submitted Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death on a cross (Philippians 2:5ff). A word of caution: He does not forgive sins when we do not repent, but if you will submit yourself to His will as He has instructed in His Word, you do not have to worry about convincing Him of your sincerity. If you are sincere, He knows!!
I hope that gives you some encouragement this morning. The weight you carry is not one that is heavier than anyone else's. We have all been there and many of us are still there (1 Corinthians 10:13a). I hope you can begin the new year with the realization that God loves you and I really want you to know that I love you, too. God bless you!
Donnie Bates
Welcome to Barnabas Notes. The title of this site comes from the Biblical character of that name who was a companion of the apostle Paul on his first missionary journey and whose name was actually Joseph. He was called "Barnabas," which means "son of encouragement," because of his ability to bless the lives of others. We hope that this blog will be such a blessing in your life!

A peaceful spring on the Macedonian side of Lake Ochrid in the Balkan Mountains
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Happy Holidays?
As I told you in my last post, this is my favorite time of the year, and that is true for several reasons. However, I must number myself among those who grows tired of the commercialization of Christmas (along with a growing number of other holidays, it seems). Still, I look forward to the time I get to spend with family and just the general atmosphere of good will.
There are many people, however, who do not view the holiday season with the same attitude. Statistics tell us that a great many people dread this time of year. Some experts say that depression tends to increase around the holidays for some people, due to a variety of factors. The loss of a loved one, the lack of family to spend time with, or the stress of interacting with family can all exacerbate a feeling of depression specifically at this time of year. I know this problem is real. My family lost a loved one at Christmas time a few years ago and, while I believe we have coped with that loss, I'm not sure we have completely recovered, or are supposed to. So, I do not mean any of this to sound patronizing.
Wait a minute! I thought this was supposed to be a note of encouragement!! So far, it's been a little on the discouraging side.
How can we encourage those who find themselves discouraged during this "most wonderful time of the year"? (I love that song, by the way). Dealing with any of these stressors is difficult enough without the whole world (it seems) ramping up the cheer and happiness around us. The common denominator in this list seems to be loneliness. Every time anyone talks about what Christmas means to them, at some point they are going to say that they love the time spent with family. I said that myself just a minute ago. So, if I'm the one who doesn't have anyone to spend time with, my load just got a lot heavier to carry.
This is not the end of the post, but I'm going to jump in here with a "God loves you" to help take some of the weight off your shoulders. When Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden..." (Matthew 11:28ff) there is a very definite application to the religious leaders who "bind heavy burdens that are hard to bear and lay them on men's shoulders" (Matthew 23:4). However, it seems to me that the burden carried by those discouraged in life and which tempts them to give up on life itself, or to allow their discouragement to overcome them and cause them to sink further into depression, is a burden that can be lifted with the help of Jesus. When the apostle Paul said that God is faithful and will provide a way of escape from every temptation, so that we need not be overcome by it (1 Corinthians 10:13), would that not include the temptation to allow the burden of loneliness to overcome us? Of course it would!!
One stressor we left out of our list is that of guilt. You see, many of those who suffer at this time of year are Christians. The fact that they are people means they are susceptible to the same kinds of temptations, pressures and discouragement that everyone else is. However, along with that, there is sometimes the feeling that since they are Christians, they're not supposed to be down or depressed. And when they are, they feel guilty. Let me encourage you not to let guilt overcome you. Look for that way of escape that Paul promised would be there. Find some way to minister to someone else. That is God's design to help the new creature be healed when he is hurt spiritually. Time and time again Jesus was wounded in spirit by the pressure of this life and every time, He looked on a multitude and felt compassion on them and ministered to them. Look through the archives of this blog to find a post entitled "The Healing Power of Ministry."
Whether I know you personally or not, I know that God loves you; He loves you enough that He sent His only begotten Son to die so that you can have eternal life where there will be no more suffering of any kind, if you will accept His offer on His terms (John 3:16; Revelation 21:4; John 14:15). And even if I do not know you, I love you enough to want to tell you that. I hope that this note will help ease your pain in some way. I know that I am strengthened and encouraged in the attempt. Find someone you can do the same with today. Make this holiday season the beginning of a new life for yourself. Don't focus on yourself, but on others, and don't stop when the trees and lights come down. Once again, God loves you and so do I.
Donnie Bates
There are many people, however, who do not view the holiday season with the same attitude. Statistics tell us that a great many people dread this time of year. Some experts say that depression tends to increase around the holidays for some people, due to a variety of factors. The loss of a loved one, the lack of family to spend time with, or the stress of interacting with family can all exacerbate a feeling of depression specifically at this time of year. I know this problem is real. My family lost a loved one at Christmas time a few years ago and, while I believe we have coped with that loss, I'm not sure we have completely recovered, or are supposed to. So, I do not mean any of this to sound patronizing.
Wait a minute! I thought this was supposed to be a note of encouragement!! So far, it's been a little on the discouraging side.
How can we encourage those who find themselves discouraged during this "most wonderful time of the year"? (I love that song, by the way). Dealing with any of these stressors is difficult enough without the whole world (it seems) ramping up the cheer and happiness around us. The common denominator in this list seems to be loneliness. Every time anyone talks about what Christmas means to them, at some point they are going to say that they love the time spent with family. I said that myself just a minute ago. So, if I'm the one who doesn't have anyone to spend time with, my load just got a lot heavier to carry.
This is not the end of the post, but I'm going to jump in here with a "God loves you" to help take some of the weight off your shoulders. When Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden..." (Matthew 11:28ff) there is a very definite application to the religious leaders who "bind heavy burdens that are hard to bear and lay them on men's shoulders" (Matthew 23:4). However, it seems to me that the burden carried by those discouraged in life and which tempts them to give up on life itself, or to allow their discouragement to overcome them and cause them to sink further into depression, is a burden that can be lifted with the help of Jesus. When the apostle Paul said that God is faithful and will provide a way of escape from every temptation, so that we need not be overcome by it (1 Corinthians 10:13), would that not include the temptation to allow the burden of loneliness to overcome us? Of course it would!!
One stressor we left out of our list is that of guilt. You see, many of those who suffer at this time of year are Christians. The fact that they are people means they are susceptible to the same kinds of temptations, pressures and discouragement that everyone else is. However, along with that, there is sometimes the feeling that since they are Christians, they're not supposed to be down or depressed. And when they are, they feel guilty. Let me encourage you not to let guilt overcome you. Look for that way of escape that Paul promised would be there. Find some way to minister to someone else. That is God's design to help the new creature be healed when he is hurt spiritually. Time and time again Jesus was wounded in spirit by the pressure of this life and every time, He looked on a multitude and felt compassion on them and ministered to them. Look through the archives of this blog to find a post entitled "The Healing Power of Ministry."
Whether I know you personally or not, I know that God loves you; He loves you enough that He sent His only begotten Son to die so that you can have eternal life where there will be no more suffering of any kind, if you will accept His offer on His terms (John 3:16; Revelation 21:4; John 14:15). And even if I do not know you, I love you enough to want to tell you that. I hope that this note will help ease your pain in some way. I know that I am strengthened and encouraged in the attempt. Find someone you can do the same with today. Make this holiday season the beginning of a new life for yourself. Don't focus on yourself, but on others, and don't stop when the trees and lights come down. Once again, God loves you and so do I.
Donnie Bates
Thursday, December 17, 2009
'Tis [Always] the Season
I have to admit, this is just about my favorite time of year. I love the cooler [cold] weather; even though I'm cold-natured, I still like it cold outside. I love the atmosphere of Christmas, from the music on the radio to the decorations. I just love it!
There are a lot of people talking about Jesus being reason for the season and I am glad that people's minds turn to thoughts of Jesus this time of year, but that always makes me wonder why those same people do not talk about Him the other eleven months out of the year. It may come as a surprise to some, but Jesus did not come into this world to give us a holiday. He came to seek and to save that which was lost, at least, that's what He told a little fellow by the name of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:10).
Most people who celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday believe that this is the day of Jesus' birth. My purpose here is not to argue about that point. In this note from friend Barnabas I would like to use one of the songs we sing this time of year as a springboard to find some words of encouragement. Christmas or not, there are some pretty scary things going on in the world today. A lot of the uncertainty we are dealing with is because of politics, both national and international. What's going to happen in the next decade, next year, next month? We have never known the answer to that question in the past, but at least the future seemed a little more secure not so very long ago; now, however, it's a whole different story, isn't it?
On the night of Jesus' birth, an angel stood before a group of shepherds in the fields and announced good tidings of great joy to them. A great thing had the city of David a Savior was born, Who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10, 11). That announcement was immediately followed by the appearance of a heavenly host with the angel who said, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luke 2:13, 14). People are singing those words right now, during these days leading up to Christmas.
Here is the encouraging part...the reason this was a "great thing" that had happened: The grace of God had appeared, bringing salvation to all men (Titus 2:11). We echo the words of the heavenly host and say, "Glory to God in the highest!" We, too, pray for peace on earth, but not peace between nations. We mean peace between God and man (Romans 5:1). Of course we want there to be peace between nations, but whether that happens or not, our prayer is that those who have no relationship with God, will submit to Him in humble, obedient faith. That is our "goodwill toward men," that men, all men...all people everywhere will repent of their sins (Acts 17:30) and take advantage of the incredible grace that appeared in the person of Jesus.
God sent His Son into this world as a human baby Who would grow into a man and die on a cross to give us the opportunity to be saved from our sins if we obey in faith the conditions of that offer. Yes, I think we can say that a great thing has happened! And with that realization we understand that it is ('tis) always the season to rejoice (be jolly). I hope you enjoy this holiday season and determine that you will live for Him everyday of the coming year. He loves you, you know, and so do I.
Donnie Bates
There are a lot of people talking about Jesus being reason for the season and I am glad that people's minds turn to thoughts of Jesus this time of year, but that always makes me wonder why those same people do not talk about Him the other eleven months out of the year. It may come as a surprise to some, but Jesus did not come into this world to give us a holiday. He came to seek and to save that which was lost, at least, that's what He told a little fellow by the name of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:10).
Most people who celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday believe that this is the day of Jesus' birth. My purpose here is not to argue about that point. In this note from friend Barnabas I would like to use one of the songs we sing this time of year as a springboard to find some words of encouragement. Christmas or not, there are some pretty scary things going on in the world today. A lot of the uncertainty we are dealing with is because of politics, both national and international. What's going to happen in the next decade, next year, next month? We have never known the answer to that question in the past, but at least the future seemed a little more secure not so very long ago; now, however, it's a whole different story, isn't it?
On the night of Jesus' birth, an angel stood before a group of shepherds in the fields and announced good tidings of great joy to them. A great thing had the city of David a Savior was born, Who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10, 11). That announcement was immediately followed by the appearance of a heavenly host with the angel who said, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luke 2:13, 14). People are singing those words right now, during these days leading up to Christmas.
Here is the encouraging part...the reason this was a "great thing" that had happened: The grace of God had appeared, bringing salvation to all men (Titus 2:11). We echo the words of the heavenly host and say, "Glory to God in the highest!" We, too, pray for peace on earth, but not peace between nations. We mean peace between God and man (Romans 5:1). Of course we want there to be peace between nations, but whether that happens or not, our prayer is that those who have no relationship with God, will submit to Him in humble, obedient faith. That is our "goodwill toward men," that men, all men...all people everywhere will repent of their sins (Acts 17:30) and take advantage of the incredible grace that appeared in the person of Jesus.
God sent His Son into this world as a human baby Who would grow into a man and die on a cross to give us the opportunity to be saved from our sins if we obey in faith the conditions of that offer. Yes, I think we can say that a great thing has happened! And with that realization we understand that it is ('tis) always the season to rejoice (be jolly). I hope you enjoy this holiday season and determine that you will live for Him everyday of the coming year. He loves you, you know, and so do I.
Donnie Bates
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The More Things Change...
It has been more than five years since I stopped writing Barnabas Notes on a regular, weekly basis. A lot has happened and changed in my life in those five years. For one thing, I now publish the notes in this blog rather than sending them out via email. Hopefully, an even larger number of people will be able to read them.
Several things have not changed, however. Pain and suffering are still here, aren't they? People still need encouragement...and to tell the truth, I still need to be offering it. In this format (the blog), it will not be as necessary to publish a note of encouragement once a week. In fact, it will be easier to publish them even more often on occasion. So, here is the first of a new round of encouraging notes from friend Barnabas.
One undeniable truth is that while the ultimate source of our suffering and discouragement is our enemy, that serpent of old, Satan himself, it is also true that suffering and discouragement very often manifest themselves in our lives through the actions of other people. It doesn't matter if we refer to the guy who cuts us off in traffic, or someone with whom we have close relationship who betrays, attacks, or in some other way causes us suffering and pain. I am sorry to say and ashamed to admit that I have been on both sides of that coin; both victim and perpetrator of such pain and suffering.
What do we do in those situations? Well, if you are the perpetrator the answer is a very easy one--repent of your sins and ask both God and your victim to forgive you. Until you do, you are in violation of God's will and stand outside of His grace (Ephesians 4:30 and Galatians 6:10 are just two examples of Scripture which we need to remember at this point).
If you are the victim, the answer becomes a little more difficult. Depending on the level of pain and suffering it will be hard to respond in the right way, but not impossible. God's Word tells us to respond in love. When all the passages concerning love for our fellowman are put together, there is no one left one we do not have to love, and that includes our enemies (Matthew 5:44). And if you love your enemies you will not take into account a wrong suffered (1 Corinthians 13:5). What!?? That's right! I told you it becomes more difficult to respond in the right way, didn't I?
It is true that sometimes other actions are required that may not be perceived to be loving. Those Christians who continue to live a sinful life are to be shamed by the church's refusal to keep company with them (2 Thessalonians 3:14). The apostle Paul used very strong language in a letter to the Corinthian church that he knew would cause some pain, but was necessary (2 Corinthians 11:4). This same apostle told Titus to "rebuke...sharply" those who were causing problems in the church (Titus 1:13). And yet, all of these actions (which some consider exceedingly negative) were (and are) to be done in love.
So, when those around you (stranger or loved one) act in such a way as to cause you pain and suffering, remember the pain and suffering each of us caused our God and which resulted in His dying on the cross. Then, remember that you must stand before Him and answer for your deeds done in the flesh (2 Corinthians 5:10). I will not have to stand before God and answer for what someone did to me, but I will have to answer for how I responded to it. That fact helps me try to respond the way Jesus did.
The more things change the more they stay the same, someone once said. The pain and suffering today is not a different pain and suffering of five years ago, or 5,000 years ago. There is still a place for the encouraging words of Barnabas. I hope these words will help you to make yourself right with God no matter what your enemy hurls your way. Remember, just like always, God loves you and so do I.
Donnie Bates
Several things have not changed, however. Pain and suffering are still here, aren't they? People still need encouragement...and to tell the truth, I still need to be offering it. In this format (the blog), it will not be as necessary to publish a note of encouragement once a week. In fact, it will be easier to publish them even more often on occasion. So, here is the first of a new round of encouraging notes from friend Barnabas.
One undeniable truth is that while the ultimate source of our suffering and discouragement is our enemy, that serpent of old, Satan himself, it is also true that suffering and discouragement very often manifest themselves in our lives through the actions of other people. It doesn't matter if we refer to the guy who cuts us off in traffic, or someone with whom we have close relationship who betrays, attacks, or in some other way causes us suffering and pain. I am sorry to say and ashamed to admit that I have been on both sides of that coin; both victim and perpetrator of such pain and suffering.
What do we do in those situations? Well, if you are the perpetrator the answer is a very easy one--repent of your sins and ask both God and your victim to forgive you. Until you do, you are in violation of God's will and stand outside of His grace (Ephesians 4:30 and Galatians 6:10 are just two examples of Scripture which we need to remember at this point).
If you are the victim, the answer becomes a little more difficult. Depending on the level of pain and suffering it will be hard to respond in the right way, but not impossible. God's Word tells us to respond in love. When all the passages concerning love for our fellowman are put together, there is no one left one we do not have to love, and that includes our enemies (Matthew 5:44). And if you love your enemies you will not take into account a wrong suffered (1 Corinthians 13:5). What!?? That's right! I told you it becomes more difficult to respond in the right way, didn't I?
It is true that sometimes other actions are required that may not be perceived to be loving. Those Christians who continue to live a sinful life are to be shamed by the church's refusal to keep company with them (2 Thessalonians 3:14). The apostle Paul used very strong language in a letter to the Corinthian church that he knew would cause some pain, but was necessary (2 Corinthians 11:4). This same apostle told Titus to "rebuke...sharply" those who were causing problems in the church (Titus 1:13). And yet, all of these actions (which some consider exceedingly negative) were (and are) to be done in love.
So, when those around you (stranger or loved one) act in such a way as to cause you pain and suffering, remember the pain and suffering each of us caused our God and which resulted in His dying on the cross. Then, remember that you must stand before Him and answer for your deeds done in the flesh (2 Corinthians 5:10). I will not have to stand before God and answer for what someone did to me, but I will have to answer for how I responded to it. That fact helps me try to respond the way Jesus did.
The more things change the more they stay the same, someone once said. The pain and suffering today is not a different pain and suffering of five years ago, or 5,000 years ago. There is still a place for the encouraging words of Barnabas. I hope these words will help you to make yourself right with God no matter what your enemy hurls your way. Remember, just like always, God loves you and so do I.
Donnie Bates
Sunday, December 6, 2009
He Heard My Cry
Well, we have reached the two year mark. I want to say first of all that I appreciate more than you can ever know the encouragement you have given me over the last two years. Your words have been touching. It means so much to know that so many have been touched by the words found in these notes.
I want to share with you today some thoughts that struck me as I read through Psalm 40 not long ago. I was especially moved by the first verse: I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. How comforting to know that God hears our cry! Did you ever get to the point in your suffering that you just felt like screaming but did not think anyone would hear? Well, Someone does!
Look at verses 2 and 3: He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord. I must say, it is hard to be down and depressed after reading something like that, isn’t it? A lot of us feel like we have been in the pit of destruction, in the miry clay. It is good to have our feet set upon a rock and our footsteps made firm. God does that for us when we cry out to Him because He hears our cry. Hallelujah!! Let me ask you this: do you have a new song in your mouth? Do you make it a point to share with others what the Lord has done for you?
I want to encourage you to wait patiently for the Lord. When you suffer, and I’m sorry to say that you will suffer, know that the Lord will incline His ear to you and hear your cry. He will bring you up out of that pit of destruction and miry clay and set your feet upon that rock. He has a new song for your mouth if you will sing it. Do not give up on God because He has not given up on you. He loves you and so do I. I have tried to include that statement in every note, but I want you to know that I never meant it as just a closing. God really and truly does love you more than you can know (John 3:16). And I really and truly love you more than you can know. Even if I do not know you personally, I can still love you because God loves you. I can love your spirit and your desire to receive encouragement from God. If in some small way the words I have written have brought you some encouragement, please know that it was God Who was the Source of that encouragement and I love being a part of it. Many of you I do know personally and some of the things I wrote were specifically designed for afflictions you were having that I was aware of. I hope they helped. Let me say once again...God loves you and so do I.
I want to share with you today some thoughts that struck me as I read through Psalm 40 not long ago. I was especially moved by the first verse: I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. How comforting to know that God hears our cry! Did you ever get to the point in your suffering that you just felt like screaming but did not think anyone would hear? Well, Someone does!
Look at verses 2 and 3: He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord. I must say, it is hard to be down and depressed after reading something like that, isn’t it? A lot of us feel like we have been in the pit of destruction, in the miry clay. It is good to have our feet set upon a rock and our footsteps made firm. God does that for us when we cry out to Him because He hears our cry. Hallelujah!! Let me ask you this: do you have a new song in your mouth? Do you make it a point to share with others what the Lord has done for you?
I want to encourage you to wait patiently for the Lord. When you suffer, and I’m sorry to say that you will suffer, know that the Lord will incline His ear to you and hear your cry. He will bring you up out of that pit of destruction and miry clay and set your feet upon that rock. He has a new song for your mouth if you will sing it. Do not give up on God because He has not given up on you. He loves you and so do I. I have tried to include that statement in every note, but I want you to know that I never meant it as just a closing. God really and truly does love you more than you can know (John 3:16). And I really and truly love you more than you can know. Even if I do not know you personally, I can still love you because God loves you. I can love your spirit and your desire to receive encouragement from God. If in some small way the words I have written have brought you some encouragement, please know that it was God Who was the Source of that encouragement and I love being a part of it. Many of you I do know personally and some of the things I wrote were specifically designed for afflictions you were having that I was aware of. I hope they helped. Let me say once again...God loves you and so do I.
Considering Our Ways
There is a lot of suffering in the world these days, isn’t there? Sometimes it just breaks your heart. There are some people who must wonder why everything seems to go so wrong in their life.
I know that from time to time different people who receive these notes have suffered greatly. The suffering varies from person to person, but over the last two years many have suffered many things including even the loss of loved ones. The pain is real and severe.
Sometimes when people suffer so much, in their cry to express their pain, there may be a temptation to blame God or, at least, to question why we should have to suffer so. In our last chapter, in Lamentations 3:1-22, we noted that Jeremiah felt like he was a special target for God’s afflictions on His people, but even so he refused to give up his trust in Jehovah. A few verses later in that same chapter, the weeping prophet makes a statement that all of us would do well to consider.
Why should any living mortal, or any man, offer complaint in view of his sins? Let us examine and probe our ways, and let us return to the Lord (Lamentations 3:39, 40). We really do not have any cause for complaint. I don’t mean that we should just grin and bear it when we suffer such terrible afflictions. We can cry out to God and we can take great comfort in the fact that He has promised to hear our cry and deliver us. However, we have to stop short of blaming God for the things we suffer.
We suffer in this life simply because we are still in this life and not in heaven where there will be no more tears (Revelation 21:4). As long as we remain here there will be pain. What we need to concentrate on is returning to the Lord.
In Lamentation 3, for several verses Jeremiah continues his “lament” that he suffers at the hand of God and as a result of his own sins, but a subtle shift takes place along about verse 50. There is no hope until the Lord looks down and sees from heaven. From there Jeremiah describes the deliverance by the hand of God. When Jeremiah “returned to the Lord” and cried out from the lowest pit (verse 55), God heard and said, “Do not fear!” (verse 57). Verse 58 says, "O Lord, You have pleaded my soul’s cause; You have redeemed my life."
The point of today’s lesson is not that you deserve what you get in this life. It is not to say that God is just paying us back what we have earned. Nor do we mean to say that all you have to do is cry out to the Lord and there will be no more pain in this life. What this passage of Scripture, these “lamentations” of the prophet Jeremiah, seems to be saying is that if we concentrate on what is most important (returning to the Lord), we can look forward to salvation in the end. That is because God loves us enough to make this possible. I am so glad to tell you today that God loves you and so do I.
I know that from time to time different people who receive these notes have suffered greatly. The suffering varies from person to person, but over the last two years many have suffered many things including even the loss of loved ones. The pain is real and severe.
Sometimes when people suffer so much, in their cry to express their pain, there may be a temptation to blame God or, at least, to question why we should have to suffer so. In our last chapter, in Lamentations 3:1-22, we noted that Jeremiah felt like he was a special target for God’s afflictions on His people, but even so he refused to give up his trust in Jehovah. A few verses later in that same chapter, the weeping prophet makes a statement that all of us would do well to consider.
Why should any living mortal, or any man, offer complaint in view of his sins? Let us examine and probe our ways, and let us return to the Lord (Lamentations 3:39, 40). We really do not have any cause for complaint. I don’t mean that we should just grin and bear it when we suffer such terrible afflictions. We can cry out to God and we can take great comfort in the fact that He has promised to hear our cry and deliver us. However, we have to stop short of blaming God for the things we suffer.
We suffer in this life simply because we are still in this life and not in heaven where there will be no more tears (Revelation 21:4). As long as we remain here there will be pain. What we need to concentrate on is returning to the Lord.
In Lamentation 3, for several verses Jeremiah continues his “lament” that he suffers at the hand of God and as a result of his own sins, but a subtle shift takes place along about verse 50. There is no hope until the Lord looks down and sees from heaven. From there Jeremiah describes the deliverance by the hand of God. When Jeremiah “returned to the Lord” and cried out from the lowest pit (verse 55), God heard and said, “Do not fear!” (verse 57). Verse 58 says, "O Lord, You have pleaded my soul’s cause; You have redeemed my life."
The point of today’s lesson is not that you deserve what you get in this life. It is not to say that God is just paying us back what we have earned. Nor do we mean to say that all you have to do is cry out to the Lord and there will be no more pain in this life. What this passage of Scripture, these “lamentations” of the prophet Jeremiah, seems to be saying is that if we concentrate on what is most important (returning to the Lord), we can look forward to salvation in the end. That is because God loves us enough to make this possible. I am so glad to tell you today that God loves you and so do I.
I Am the Man
I am the man who has seen affliction because of the rod of His wrath (Lamentations 3:1).
For 18 verses Jeremiah “laments” the problems in his life, describing them figuratively in terms like “He has driven me and made me walk in darkness and not in light. Surely against me He has turned His hand repeatedly all the day” (Lamentations 3:2, 3). The “He” under discussion is God. In other words, Jeremiah is saying that God is the Source of all his suffering.
I know there are times it feels like God has abandoned us to the cruelties of life or even that God Himself is purposely causing all these problems in our lives. Maybe you have had these thoughts go through your mind: He has besieged and encompassed me with bitterness and hardship (Lamentations 3:5), or He has walled me in so that I cannot go out; He has made my chain heavy. (Lamentations 3:7); Even when I cry out and call for help, He shuts out my prayer (Lamentations 3:8).
You should know by now that in this column I am going to give you a reason not to give up and “curse God and die” as Job's wife encouraged him to do (Job 2:9). The reason not to give up is demonstrated by Jeremiah himself. Jeremiah was a man of God; there is no question of that.
He is called by Bible students today “the weeping prophet.” His book of Lamentations is one reason for that title, although the book of Jeremiah is also full of reasons for Jeremiah to weep for his people and his God (because of the way they treated Him). Jeremiah and his contemporary prophets in the land of Judah (such as Habakkuk) had much to lament. They were about to be invaded by the world’s most powerful army--Babylon. No one could stand against the might of Babylon and God told the Jews, through Jeremiah and the other prophets, that the only way they could survive was to surrender. God was sending Babylon to punish Judah and no alliance with Egypt or anyone else would deliver them. Things were about to get very bad in Judah. It is for this reason that men like Jeremiah and Habakkuk could write about times being so hard.
In other posts I have referred you to Habakkuk 3:16-19 (and I encourage you to read it again and again). However, this passage in Lamentations 3 has a similar sentiment. After 18 verses of all that God has done to Jeremiah, listen to his conclusion: Remember my affliction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness. Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail (Lamentations 3:19-22).
Let me ask you this: When was the last time you felt like God was the reason for all your ills and your response was to hit your knees asking Him for deliverance? Jeremiah shows us that such is the right way to handle problems in our lives. It may be that God has allowed you to suffer for the simple reason that He wants to bring to your mind (remind you of) the same fact that Jeremiah realized: The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease! Do not ever forget this little fact: God’s steadfast love and mercy will always be available to anyone who will humbly come to Him on His terms. Start your week today with the thought that He loves you and so do I.
For 18 verses Jeremiah “laments” the problems in his life, describing them figuratively in terms like “He has driven me and made me walk in darkness and not in light. Surely against me He has turned His hand repeatedly all the day” (Lamentations 3:2, 3). The “He” under discussion is God. In other words, Jeremiah is saying that God is the Source of all his suffering.
I know there are times it feels like God has abandoned us to the cruelties of life or even that God Himself is purposely causing all these problems in our lives. Maybe you have had these thoughts go through your mind: He has besieged and encompassed me with bitterness and hardship (Lamentations 3:5), or He has walled me in so that I cannot go out; He has made my chain heavy. (Lamentations 3:7); Even when I cry out and call for help, He shuts out my prayer (Lamentations 3:8).
You should know by now that in this column I am going to give you a reason not to give up and “curse God and die” as Job's wife encouraged him to do (Job 2:9). The reason not to give up is demonstrated by Jeremiah himself. Jeremiah was a man of God; there is no question of that.
He is called by Bible students today “the weeping prophet.” His book of Lamentations is one reason for that title, although the book of Jeremiah is also full of reasons for Jeremiah to weep for his people and his God (because of the way they treated Him). Jeremiah and his contemporary prophets in the land of Judah (such as Habakkuk) had much to lament. They were about to be invaded by the world’s most powerful army--Babylon. No one could stand against the might of Babylon and God told the Jews, through Jeremiah and the other prophets, that the only way they could survive was to surrender. God was sending Babylon to punish Judah and no alliance with Egypt or anyone else would deliver them. Things were about to get very bad in Judah. It is for this reason that men like Jeremiah and Habakkuk could write about times being so hard.
In other posts I have referred you to Habakkuk 3:16-19 (and I encourage you to read it again and again). However, this passage in Lamentations 3 has a similar sentiment. After 18 verses of all that God has done to Jeremiah, listen to his conclusion: Remember my affliction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness. Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail (Lamentations 3:19-22).
Let me ask you this: When was the last time you felt like God was the reason for all your ills and your response was to hit your knees asking Him for deliverance? Jeremiah shows us that such is the right way to handle problems in our lives. It may be that God has allowed you to suffer for the simple reason that He wants to bring to your mind (remind you of) the same fact that Jeremiah realized: The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease! Do not ever forget this little fact: God’s steadfast love and mercy will always be available to anyone who will humbly come to Him on His terms. Start your week today with the thought that He loves you and so do I.
Our Vindication
The nation that God raised to bring Judah down and destroy Jerusalem, taking the populace into captivity, was Babylon. During the time of Jeremiah the prophet, Judah was facing the worst suffering in its history. Captivity and judgment had been threatened before, but the people had always repented and the Lord had relented. Now, judgment was coming and it could not be avoided. The only way anyone was going to be able to survive was to surrender to the invader...a hard message for patriots to swallow and one that got Jeremiah into lots of trouble.
Jeremiah’s prophecy, however, was not just about the judgment of Jerusalem. He also included, at the direction of the Lord, of course, news about the future of Babylon. Even though Babylon was to be used as God’s instrument of judgment (and King Nebuchadnezzar understood his role in that, probably from 20 years or so of exposure to a young man taken captive early in this drama...Daniel), they were not to escape judgment themselves.
Jeremiah tells his people: Flee from the midst of Babylon, and each of you save his life! Do not be destroyed in her punishment, for this is the Lord's time of vengeance; He is going to render recompense to her (Jeremiah 51:6). Later kings of Babylon would forget that God was the One Who gave them Judah and would think too much of themselves. God was going to destroy Babylon. Sharpen the arrows, fill the quivers! The Lord has aroused the spirit of the kings of the Medes, because His purpose is against Babylon to destroy it; for it is the vengeance of the Lord, vengeance for His temple (Jeremiah 51:11).
As we said in a previous post, sometimes we suffer as a direct consequence of the things we have done ourselves. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Still, it is not pleasant. In fact, sometimes the consequences of my actions are downright painful, embarrassing, dreadful, or any number of other descriptions we could all probably add. The worst consequence of all, of course, is sin, which separates us from the love and grace of God (Isaiah 59:1, 2). We could be looking at eternity away from the presence of God and, in fact, that's what we deserve. Aren’t you glad that God has provided a way for us to deal with that sin and avoid that worst of consequences?
Notice how Jeremiah puts it: The Lord has brought about our vindication; come and let us recount in Zion the work of the Lord our God! (Jeremiah 51:10). I am so thankful that God has brought about our vindication! The apostle Paul said that such vindication is associated with our godly sorrow which brings about a repentance without regret (2 Corinthians 7:10, 11). That’s the key! Whether your suffering comes from the consequences of your own actions or just the sinful actions of others, the Lord will bring your vindication if you will submit yourself to Him! Let me encourage you to come and recount the work of the Lord our God! Tell somebody this week about what the Lord has done for you. Tell them that He loves you (and them) and so do I.
Jeremiah’s prophecy, however, was not just about the judgment of Jerusalem. He also included, at the direction of the Lord, of course, news about the future of Babylon. Even though Babylon was to be used as God’s instrument of judgment (and King Nebuchadnezzar understood his role in that, probably from 20 years or so of exposure to a young man taken captive early in this drama...Daniel), they were not to escape judgment themselves.
Jeremiah tells his people: Flee from the midst of Babylon, and each of you save his life! Do not be destroyed in her punishment, for this is the Lord's time of vengeance; He is going to render recompense to her (Jeremiah 51:6). Later kings of Babylon would forget that God was the One Who gave them Judah and would think too much of themselves. God was going to destroy Babylon. Sharpen the arrows, fill the quivers! The Lord has aroused the spirit of the kings of the Medes, because His purpose is against Babylon to destroy it; for it is the vengeance of the Lord, vengeance for His temple (Jeremiah 51:11).
As we said in a previous post, sometimes we suffer as a direct consequence of the things we have done ourselves. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Still, it is not pleasant. In fact, sometimes the consequences of my actions are downright painful, embarrassing, dreadful, or any number of other descriptions we could all probably add. The worst consequence of all, of course, is sin, which separates us from the love and grace of God (Isaiah 59:1, 2). We could be looking at eternity away from the presence of God and, in fact, that's what we deserve. Aren’t you glad that God has provided a way for us to deal with that sin and avoid that worst of consequences?
Notice how Jeremiah puts it: The Lord has brought about our vindication; come and let us recount in Zion the work of the Lord our God! (Jeremiah 51:10). I am so thankful that God has brought about our vindication! The apostle Paul said that such vindication is associated with our godly sorrow which brings about a repentance without regret (2 Corinthians 7:10, 11). That’s the key! Whether your suffering comes from the consequences of your own actions or just the sinful actions of others, the Lord will bring your vindication if you will submit yourself to Him! Let me encourage you to come and recount the work of the Lord our God! Tell somebody this week about what the Lord has done for you. Tell them that He loves you (and them) and so do I.
The Portion of Jacob
Jeremiah 51:19 says: The portion of Jacob is not like these; for the Maker of all is He, and of the tribe of His inheritance; the Lord of hosts is His name. What is “the portion of Jacob”?
The short answer is...God! God is the Portion of Jacob. He is the God of Jacob. Jeremiah is in the midst of a context which compares the idols that men make and the One, True God, Jehovah.
The difference between Jehovah and the other so called gods is that Jehovah is real. He is the Creator of all things. He is the God of His people and they are the people of their God. His Name is “the Lord of Hosts.”
This whole section of Scripture has to do with the judgment that God would bring on Babylon. At the time of Jeremiah’s prophecy, Babylon was invading Judah. In Jeremiah 51:20-23, the prophet points out that Babylon is God’s tool for bringing judgment on His people, the Jews. However, Babylon’s judgment would not be long in coming. Verses 34,35 show what the Jewish people will say with regard to Babylon: “Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has devoured me and crushed me, he has set me down like an empty vessel; he has swallowed me like a monster, he has filled his stomach with my delicacies; he has washed me away. May the violence done to me and to my flesh be upon Babylon,” The inhabitant of Zion will say; and, “May my blood be upon the inhabitants of Chaldea,” Jerusalem will say. Well, verse 36 says that God will plead the case of His people and will exact full vengeance for them.
What does that mean for us? We have pointed out before that sometimes we suffer the things we suffer as a direct result of our own mistakes. There are consequences to our actions that we have to live with. That is the way God designed the world in which we live. At the same time, what I want you to remember is that God will still be on your side if you will be on His. You may be able to cry out with Judah that your enemies have swallowed you up. However, when you cry out such a cry with the attitude of owning up to your own guilt, God will plead your case and will exact full vengeance for you. No enemy of yours (whether we are talking about individual people or just circumstances) can overcome you completely if you will remain faithful to God. He loves you enough to make such hope possible and I love you enough to want you to know about it.
The short answer is...God! God is the Portion of Jacob. He is the God of Jacob. Jeremiah is in the midst of a context which compares the idols that men make and the One, True God, Jehovah.
The difference between Jehovah and the other so called gods is that Jehovah is real. He is the Creator of all things. He is the God of His people and they are the people of their God. His Name is “the Lord of Hosts.”
This whole section of Scripture has to do with the judgment that God would bring on Babylon. At the time of Jeremiah’s prophecy, Babylon was invading Judah. In Jeremiah 51:20-23, the prophet points out that Babylon is God’s tool for bringing judgment on His people, the Jews. However, Babylon’s judgment would not be long in coming. Verses 34,35 show what the Jewish people will say with regard to Babylon: “Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has devoured me and crushed me, he has set me down like an empty vessel; he has swallowed me like a monster, he has filled his stomach with my delicacies; he has washed me away. May the violence done to me and to my flesh be upon Babylon,” The inhabitant of Zion will say; and, “May my blood be upon the inhabitants of Chaldea,” Jerusalem will say. Well, verse 36 says that God will plead the case of His people and will exact full vengeance for them.
What does that mean for us? We have pointed out before that sometimes we suffer the things we suffer as a direct result of our own mistakes. There are consequences to our actions that we have to live with. That is the way God designed the world in which we live. At the same time, what I want you to remember is that God will still be on your side if you will be on His. You may be able to cry out with Judah that your enemies have swallowed you up. However, when you cry out such a cry with the attitude of owning up to your own guilt, God will plead your case and will exact full vengeance for you. No enemy of yours (whether we are talking about individual people or just circumstances) can overcome you completely if you will remain faithful to God. He loves you enough to make such hope possible and I love you enough to want you to know about it.
The Love of God
From the first, I have ended these notes by pointing out that God loves you. For a note of encouragement, that has to rank pretty high, doesn’t it? Knowing that God loves me makes all the things I have to endure in this life a little easier to endure. The trick is remembering that He loves me. I want to use this space this week to remind you that He does love you.
Jesus told Nicodemus: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). That is a pretty important fact in the Bible anyway, but when we start talking about encouragement, it has to rank at the top of the list.
There are a lot of people in this world that I love very much, but there is no one that I love enough to give the life of my child (or another loved one) for. Giving my own life would be easier, but God loved you enough to give His Only Begotten Son for you, so that you do not have to be lost.
Now, how do you respond to that kind of love? If your son or daughter gave himself or herself to die for someone else, you would not appreciate it very much if that person then acted like they did not care about the sacrifice, would you? There are sons and daughters of Americans dying right now to insure our freedom. Those moms and dads do not appreciate it when people say cruel things about them and do not appreciate their sacrifice. Imagine how our heavenly Father feels when we do not appreciate His sacrifice.
The apostle John wrote these words that we would do well to take to heart: By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another (1 John 4:9-11). If God loved us, we ought to love one another. What a concept! And we ought to love God, too!! Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15). And that, by the way, is how we may know that we are in Christ; by keeping the commandments of the Lord (1 John 2:3-5).
So, I hope it brings you some measure of comfort this week to know that God loves you; that He loved you enough to make a sacrifice you may not even be able to comprehend. He does, you you that much. And I love you, too!
Jesus told Nicodemus: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). That is a pretty important fact in the Bible anyway, but when we start talking about encouragement, it has to rank at the top of the list.
There are a lot of people in this world that I love very much, but there is no one that I love enough to give the life of my child (or another loved one) for. Giving my own life would be easier, but God loved you enough to give His Only Begotten Son for you, so that you do not have to be lost.
Now, how do you respond to that kind of love? If your son or daughter gave himself or herself to die for someone else, you would not appreciate it very much if that person then acted like they did not care about the sacrifice, would you? There are sons and daughters of Americans dying right now to insure our freedom. Those moms and dads do not appreciate it when people say cruel things about them and do not appreciate their sacrifice. Imagine how our heavenly Father feels when we do not appreciate His sacrifice.
The apostle John wrote these words that we would do well to take to heart: By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another (1 John 4:9-11). If God loved us, we ought to love one another. What a concept! And we ought to love God, too!! Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15). And that, by the way, is how we may know that we are in Christ; by keeping the commandments of the Lord (1 John 2:3-5).
So, I hope it brings you some measure of comfort this week to know that God loves you; that He loved you enough to make a sacrifice you may not even be able to comprehend. He does, you you that much. And I love you, too!
The Lord Set Me in a Large Place
In Psalm 118:5 we read the words: From my distress I called upon the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me in a large place. I wonder what the psalmist meant by “a large place.”
Why would that give him comfort? I suppose that at least part of the answer is that it is a place where one does not feel enclosed, especially by one’s enemies. When our enemies start to close in on us, whether they be people we encounter in this life, or just the circumstances of life, it would be good to be in a “large place,” wouldn’t it?
The psalmist makes it very clear that he understands the importance of Jehovah when it comes to his troubles. He says, It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes (Psalm 118:8, 9). Others we might turn to for help will not ever be able to help like Jehovah can. He can put us in a large place, even better than princes can. Sometimes those in authority can help us and sometimes they can’t, but God can always get us through.
Notice also, that the psalmist was not just going through some minor inconveniences, but was threatened by major enemies. They surrounded me like bees; they were extinguished as a fire of thorns; in the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off. You pushed me violently so that I was falling, but the Lord helped me (Psalm 118:12, 13). His enemies were substantial enough that they caused his fall, or they would have had Jehovah not helped him. Sometimes our afflictions are like a swarm of bees in that they come from every direction and there is no getting rid of them. This passage lets us know that God is able to get us through even something as hopeless as that.
It may be that we do not see any way out of the problems we are suffering right now. Notice that even though he had suffered severely, the psalmist had not given up hope. The Lord has disciplined me severely, but He has not given me over to death (Psalm 118:18).
I do not want to make the things you suffer right now trivial because I know they are not. They are important to you. The pain is real and your suffering is real. Nevertheless, they are not bigger than God! It may be that He has disciplined you severely, but He has not given you over to death. And we should understand death here to mean being overcome instead of overcoming. In the New Testament we read that the Lord chastens those whom He loves (Hebrews 12:6). God is not going to give up on you. Do not give up on Him! He will always be there for you if you will remain faithful to Him. And that is because He loves you and I wanted you to know that this week, because I love you, too.
Why would that give him comfort? I suppose that at least part of the answer is that it is a place where one does not feel enclosed, especially by one’s enemies. When our enemies start to close in on us, whether they be people we encounter in this life, or just the circumstances of life, it would be good to be in a “large place,” wouldn’t it?
The psalmist makes it very clear that he understands the importance of Jehovah when it comes to his troubles. He says, It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes (Psalm 118:8, 9). Others we might turn to for help will not ever be able to help like Jehovah can. He can put us in a large place, even better than princes can. Sometimes those in authority can help us and sometimes they can’t, but God can always get us through.
Notice also, that the psalmist was not just going through some minor inconveniences, but was threatened by major enemies. They surrounded me like bees; they were extinguished as a fire of thorns; in the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off. You pushed me violently so that I was falling, but the Lord helped me (Psalm 118:12, 13). His enemies were substantial enough that they caused his fall, or they would have had Jehovah not helped him. Sometimes our afflictions are like a swarm of bees in that they come from every direction and there is no getting rid of them. This passage lets us know that God is able to get us through even something as hopeless as that.
It may be that we do not see any way out of the problems we are suffering right now. Notice that even though he had suffered severely, the psalmist had not given up hope. The Lord has disciplined me severely, but He has not given me over to death (Psalm 118:18).
I do not want to make the things you suffer right now trivial because I know they are not. They are important to you. The pain is real and your suffering is real. Nevertheless, they are not bigger than God! It may be that He has disciplined you severely, but He has not given you over to death. And we should understand death here to mean being overcome instead of overcoming. In the New Testament we read that the Lord chastens those whom He loves (Hebrews 12:6). God is not going to give up on you. Do not give up on Him! He will always be there for you if you will remain faithful to Him. And that is because He loves you and I wanted you to know that this week, because I love you, too.
Sons of Encouragement
Not long after this newsletter began, I wrote why I chose the name “Barnabas Notes” for its title. Barnabas, of course, was a companion and fellow evangelist with the apostle Paul from the book of Acts. His name was actually Joseph, but the apostles had taken to calling him “Barnabas” because he was so full of encouragement, apparently. “Barnabas” means “son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36). Since this newsletter was for the purpose of giving a little encouragement each week to those who need it, it seemed an appropriate name.
This week, I want you to consider being a son or daughter of encouragement yourself, rather than receiving the encouragement. I have told you before how much I have been encouraged while trying to encourage other people. It is a great design that our God has used in us, that we would so often find what we need in what we provide for others. For that reason, I want you to have that same blessing.
The writer of Hebrews tells us that one of the reasons we must assemble with the saints for worship is to “stimulate one another to love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24). We do not assemble to be entertained; we are not the audience in the worship service, God is. We assemble to worship Him and to encourage one another. Now, if everyone assembles for worship with that thought in mind, everyone is stimulated, are they not?
What about outside the worship service? The apostle Paul wrote that we should consider each other as more important than ourselves (Philippians 2:3). That is a hard command to obey, especially when some of the people around us (those people we should consider as more important than ourselves) act so mean and ugly to us. Still, Paul does not qualify his command and say we should treat people the right way if they treat us that way first.
Jesus said that He did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28) and the example He gave to illustrate that point was His own sacrifice and death on the cross. You remember how He was treated by those people who put Him up on that cross, don’t you? Still, He willingly gave Himself, serving those very people, in that through the blood of Jesus that they shed, those same men had the hope of having their sins washed away. Now, that’s service!
Here is how I want you to be encouraged this week. As you begin your day, I want you to thank God for the life of hope that you have and thank Him for all those blessings you have, including people in your life who love you and treat you the way you should be treated. Then, I want you to consider those people around you who do not treat you as well as they should...and thank God for them, too. What!!?? That’s right. I want you to thank God for the blessing that such challenges in your life really are (see James 1:2, 3). Then, I want you to try and find a way to encourage them or help them in some way. In doing that, you will not only possibly lose an enemy and gain a friend, but even if they do not appreciate your efforts, you will be blessed and encouraged in your own good deeds.
Praise God for His design of us that allows for this kind of blessing. Our enemy really has no way to defend against this kind of offense by the soldiers of the cross. God made you that way because He loves you and I wanted to share this with you today because I do to.
This week, I want you to consider being a son or daughter of encouragement yourself, rather than receiving the encouragement. I have told you before how much I have been encouraged while trying to encourage other people. It is a great design that our God has used in us, that we would so often find what we need in what we provide for others. For that reason, I want you to have that same blessing.
The writer of Hebrews tells us that one of the reasons we must assemble with the saints for worship is to “stimulate one another to love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24). We do not assemble to be entertained; we are not the audience in the worship service, God is. We assemble to worship Him and to encourage one another. Now, if everyone assembles for worship with that thought in mind, everyone is stimulated, are they not?
What about outside the worship service? The apostle Paul wrote that we should consider each other as more important than ourselves (Philippians 2:3). That is a hard command to obey, especially when some of the people around us (those people we should consider as more important than ourselves) act so mean and ugly to us. Still, Paul does not qualify his command and say we should treat people the right way if they treat us that way first.
Jesus said that He did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28) and the example He gave to illustrate that point was His own sacrifice and death on the cross. You remember how He was treated by those people who put Him up on that cross, don’t you? Still, He willingly gave Himself, serving those very people, in that through the blood of Jesus that they shed, those same men had the hope of having their sins washed away. Now, that’s service!
Here is how I want you to be encouraged this week. As you begin your day, I want you to thank God for the life of hope that you have and thank Him for all those blessings you have, including people in your life who love you and treat you the way you should be treated. Then, I want you to consider those people around you who do not treat you as well as they should...and thank God for them, too. What!!?? That’s right. I want you to thank God for the blessing that such challenges in your life really are (see James 1:2, 3). Then, I want you to try and find a way to encourage them or help them in some way. In doing that, you will not only possibly lose an enemy and gain a friend, but even if they do not appreciate your efforts, you will be blessed and encouraged in your own good deeds.
Praise God for His design of us that allows for this kind of blessing. Our enemy really has no way to defend against this kind of offense by the soldiers of the cross. God made you that way because He loves you and I wanted to share this with you today because I do to.
Only an Arm of Flesh
“Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed because of the king of Assyria nor because of all the horde that is with him; for the one with us is greater than the one with him. With him is only an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people relied on the words of Hezekiah king of Judah (2 Chronicles 32:7, 8). Assyria was not a country to take lightly. They were the most powerful kingdom in the world at that time and no one was able to stand before them. As I understand it, the Assyrians were a powerful military nation who ruthlessly conquered and administered other nations.
They had a weakness when it came to administration, but they were so ruthless that few dared to try and point that out. Their weakness was that they only knew how to rule with terror. They were bullies and thugs, and any system based on those tactics will not last long. I call your attention to some regimes in our own recent history which have proven this theory.
Still, when the bullies and thugs of this world are powerful, it is hard not to be cowed, intimidated and overcome by them. No one wants to be the one person to die proving the point that they can be resisted successfully.
Hezekiah and the Jews had a lot of evidence of the “invincibility” of the Assyrians. Many other nations had already fallen to them. Even the northern kingdom of Israel had been captured and taken back to Assyria. The great city of Lachish (no small city in Judea) was in the process of being taken by the Assyrians. The Assyrian king was sending his emissaries to try and talk Jerusalem and her king (Hezekiah) into surrendering. His point was the same as so many overly self-confident despots that we still see. He told Jerusalem, “You might as well give up now. No other city’s god has been able to resist Sennacherib (the Assyrian king) and neither can Jehovah!” Well, you can imagine how that little contest ended. And do you know why Assyria was defeated so soundly? Because they only fought with “an arm of flesh.” How was a huge army going to stand against an angel that could kill 185,000 of their soldiers in one night while they slept? That’s what happened and that’s how the war ended!
I hope it gives you strength and encouragement this week to know that the same Jehovah is watching out for you and standing against your enemies if you have faithfully given yourself to Him. If you are like a lot of people, there are some pretty impressive and scary people opposing you this week. Don’t worry! They fight only with an arm of flesh. Your God is stronger than they are. He loves you and so do I.
They had a weakness when it came to administration, but they were so ruthless that few dared to try and point that out. Their weakness was that they only knew how to rule with terror. They were bullies and thugs, and any system based on those tactics will not last long. I call your attention to some regimes in our own recent history which have proven this theory.
Still, when the bullies and thugs of this world are powerful, it is hard not to be cowed, intimidated and overcome by them. No one wants to be the one person to die proving the point that they can be resisted successfully.
Hezekiah and the Jews had a lot of evidence of the “invincibility” of the Assyrians. Many other nations had already fallen to them. Even the northern kingdom of Israel had been captured and taken back to Assyria. The great city of Lachish (no small city in Judea) was in the process of being taken by the Assyrians. The Assyrian king was sending his emissaries to try and talk Jerusalem and her king (Hezekiah) into surrendering. His point was the same as so many overly self-confident despots that we still see. He told Jerusalem, “You might as well give up now. No other city’s god has been able to resist Sennacherib (the Assyrian king) and neither can Jehovah!” Well, you can imagine how that little contest ended. And do you know why Assyria was defeated so soundly? Because they only fought with “an arm of flesh.” How was a huge army going to stand against an angel that could kill 185,000 of their soldiers in one night while they slept? That’s what happened and that’s how the war ended!
I hope it gives you strength and encouragement this week to know that the same Jehovah is watching out for you and standing against your enemies if you have faithfully given yourself to Him. If you are like a lot of people, there are some pretty impressive and scary people opposing you this week. Don’t worry! They fight only with an arm of flesh. Your God is stronger than they are. He loves you and so do I.
The Battle is God's
This is a subject we have talked about before, but since the Holy Spirit saw fit to teach this lesson, using similar words, many times in Scripture, I don’t suppose it will hurt us to revisit the subject again here. In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat and the kingdom of Judah are faced with a serious threat. The Moabites, the Ammonites and some of the Meunites (these might have been Edomites) formed an alliance and came up to make war against Jehoshaphat. When word was brought to the Hebrew king, he was afraid. I love his response to fear, though. Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned his attention to seek the Lord (2 Chronicles 20:3).
Sometimes I’m afraid. Sometimes I’m terribly afraid, and I know that you are, too. It is the nature of humanity, I suppose. There are things we face in life that scare us to death. We “encounter various trials” (James 1:2) and it is hard to endure. Well, the reaction of Jehoshaphat is the same reaction that you and I should have. When we encounter those trials we need to turn our attention to seek the Lord.
2 Chronicles 20:5-12 tells us the prayer that Jehoshaphat said to God. I want you to see God’s answer and take these words to heart in your battles this week. Then in the midst of the assembly the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, the Levite of the sons of Asaph; and he said, “Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the Lord to you, ‘Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s. Tomorrow go down against them. Behold, they will come up by the ascent of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the valley in front of the wilderness of Jeruel. You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.”
The battle is not yours; it is God’s. We have heard those words before and they are true!! Oh yes, I've got a battle to fight. It is not that I can just lounge around and do nothing and God will take care of all my worries while I take a nap. No, I have to fight, but the fight I am fighting is His as much as it is mine! When I fight to put myself at His side, then I can “stand and see the salvation of the Lord” on my behalf.
Let us not leave this story without seeing how it ended. It was not enough for Jehoshaphat to seek the Lord, to pray, or even to hear the prophet give the answer to his prayer. He still had to obey what God told him to do. Look at verses 20-23: They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, put your trust in the Lord your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed.” When he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who sang to the Lord and those who praised Him in holy attire, as they went out before the army and said, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.” When they began singing and praising, the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; so they were routed. For the sons of Ammon and Moab rose up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir destroying them completely; and when they had finished with the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to destroy one another.
God came through, didn’t He? And He will come through for you. All you have to do is start by seeking God when you are afraid. Pray to God and ask Him to help you. Then, you have to listen to His answer, which you will find in the pages of Scripture. And finally, you must obey what is written in those pages. If you will do all of that, the battle is God’s and He will fight it and win it for you. You cannot lose! And that is all because He loves you and I love you, too.
Sometimes I’m afraid. Sometimes I’m terribly afraid, and I know that you are, too. It is the nature of humanity, I suppose. There are things we face in life that scare us to death. We “encounter various trials” (James 1:2) and it is hard to endure. Well, the reaction of Jehoshaphat is the same reaction that you and I should have. When we encounter those trials we need to turn our attention to seek the Lord.
2 Chronicles 20:5-12 tells us the prayer that Jehoshaphat said to God. I want you to see God’s answer and take these words to heart in your battles this week. Then in the midst of the assembly the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, the Levite of the sons of Asaph; and he said, “Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the Lord to you, ‘Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s. Tomorrow go down against them. Behold, they will come up by the ascent of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the valley in front of the wilderness of Jeruel. You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.”
The battle is not yours; it is God’s. We have heard those words before and they are true!! Oh yes, I've got a battle to fight. It is not that I can just lounge around and do nothing and God will take care of all my worries while I take a nap. No, I have to fight, but the fight I am fighting is His as much as it is mine! When I fight to put myself at His side, then I can “stand and see the salvation of the Lord” on my behalf.
Let us not leave this story without seeing how it ended. It was not enough for Jehoshaphat to seek the Lord, to pray, or even to hear the prophet give the answer to his prayer. He still had to obey what God told him to do. Look at verses 20-23: They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, put your trust in the Lord your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed.” When he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who sang to the Lord and those who praised Him in holy attire, as they went out before the army and said, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.” When they began singing and praising, the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; so they were routed. For the sons of Ammon and Moab rose up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir destroying them completely; and when they had finished with the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to destroy one another.
God came through, didn’t He? And He will come through for you. All you have to do is start by seeking God when you are afraid. Pray to God and ask Him to help you. Then, you have to listen to His answer, which you will find in the pages of Scripture. And finally, you must obey what is written in those pages. If you will do all of that, the battle is God’s and He will fight it and win it for you. You cannot lose! And that is all because He loves you and I love you, too.
Let Us Play The Man
In 1 Chronicles 19, Joab, King David’s favorite general, was facing battle. Hanun, the new king of Ammon, had put together a coalition to fight against Israel. He hired 32,000 chariots and the kingdom of Maacah (Syria, also know as Aram) to go into battle. When they all drew up for battle, they had the Israelites surrounded. This was not shaping up to be a good day!
Do you have days like that? I do. It seems that every enemy I have ever had, or was afraid I had, is drawn up against me and I am surrounded. What am I going to do now? Is there anything in the story of Joab from 1 Chronicles 19 that can help us go out and fight this week’s battles? Well...let’s see.
Joab was a very capable general. It did not take him long to figure out that they were in trouble. So, he divided his forces and, basically, stood them back to back. He took the choicest men to fight what seemed to him to be the most ominous threat...the mercenaries from Syria (the Arameans, 19:10). The remainder of his forces he put under the command of his brother, another capable soldier named Abshai. Abshai and the Israelites under his command faced the Ammonites. Joab’s words to Abshai, I find very encouraging and what I want to leave you with this week: “Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the Lord do what is good in His sight” (1 Chronicles 19:13).
Joab had a great attitude. He was willing to let the Lord do what was good in His sight. At the same time, he prepared to win the battle.
Joab encouraged his brother to “be strong.” We need to be strong in the face of the enemies we face, don’t we? He also said, ...let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people... I chose the title of this article from the way the American Standard Version (1901) puts that phrase. It says, “...let us play the man…” It is something a man might say to his brother, but its message is not lost on us.
Sometimes we need to say to each other, “Let us play the man!” We need to stand up, sometimes, and fight for what is right. And when our enemy (the devil) surrounds us with the afflictions of this life, we need to have Joab’s attitude of being satisfied with whatever the Lord wills, but then to fight courageously and “play the man!”
Do not give up the fight! It may be a hard fight, but with the Lord on your side, you will win...if you fight. Joab’s fight was over before it started. For all the threat they could see before them, when Israel showed they were ready to fight, the surrounding armies quit the field of battle (fled) without a fight. There were other battles, though. It may be that your enemies flee at your willingness to fight. It may also be that they stand and fight. Either way, your attitude must be one of faithfulness to God. If it is, you do not have to worry. God will take care of you. And that is because He loves you and so do I.
Do you have days like that? I do. It seems that every enemy I have ever had, or was afraid I had, is drawn up against me and I am surrounded. What am I going to do now? Is there anything in the story of Joab from 1 Chronicles 19 that can help us go out and fight this week’s battles? Well...let’s see.
Joab was a very capable general. It did not take him long to figure out that they were in trouble. So, he divided his forces and, basically, stood them back to back. He took the choicest men to fight what seemed to him to be the most ominous threat...the mercenaries from Syria (the Arameans, 19:10). The remainder of his forces he put under the command of his brother, another capable soldier named Abshai. Abshai and the Israelites under his command faced the Ammonites. Joab’s words to Abshai, I find very encouraging and what I want to leave you with this week: “Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the Lord do what is good in His sight” (1 Chronicles 19:13).
Joab had a great attitude. He was willing to let the Lord do what was good in His sight. At the same time, he prepared to win the battle.
Joab encouraged his brother to “be strong.” We need to be strong in the face of the enemies we face, don’t we? He also said, ...let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people... I chose the title of this article from the way the American Standard Version (1901) puts that phrase. It says, “...let us play the man…” It is something a man might say to his brother, but its message is not lost on us.
Sometimes we need to say to each other, “Let us play the man!” We need to stand up, sometimes, and fight for what is right. And when our enemy (the devil) surrounds us with the afflictions of this life, we need to have Joab’s attitude of being satisfied with whatever the Lord wills, but then to fight courageously and “play the man!”
Do not give up the fight! It may be a hard fight, but with the Lord on your side, you will win...if you fight. Joab’s fight was over before it started. For all the threat they could see before them, when Israel showed they were ready to fight, the surrounding armies quit the field of battle (fled) without a fight. There were other battles, though. It may be that your enemies flee at your willingness to fight. It may also be that they stand and fight. Either way, your attitude must be one of faithfulness to God. If it is, you do not have to worry. God will take care of you. And that is because He loves you and so do I.
Jesus Knows
I know that a lot of people feel all alone in life, especially when they begin to suffer through some of what life has in store for them. We have spoken in many of these words of encouragement the truth that we are not alone; that if we are faithful to God, He is watching and will take care of us, even if we lose our lives in faithfulness.
In every one of the letters to the churches of Asia, Jesus wanted Christians to know that He knew what is going on in their lives. He knew when they did a good work. He knew when they sinned. And He knew when they suffered.
To the church in Pergamum He said, “I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is; and you hold fast My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells” (Revelation 2:13). Now, the book of Revelation is primarily a book of encouragement to suffering saints. These were Christians who were suffering terrible persecution and Jesus wanted them to know that He was with them and that they would eventually overcome if they remained faithful (see Revelation 2:10). But where was Jesus when Antipas died? Was He not able to deliver Antipas? Did He let Antipas down?
No! He did NOT let Antipas down!! He knew what was happening and Antipas was by no means the only faithful witness of Jesus Christ who died in that 200 years of persecution. Yes, He knew! When you read the rest of Revelation and realize that those who gave their lives in that persecution are right now reigning with Jesus (Revelation 20:4-6), you see that Jesus did indeed take care of them. Dying is not the worst that can happen to a Christian. Being unfaithful is far worse.
I know that some of you are suffering right now. I know that a few of you may feel like no one knows or cares that you are suffering so severely. I want you to know that Jesus knows. And He cares. I may not know the details, but I care, too. And so do your faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. None of us is in this alone, praise God. As you start another week, trying your best to serve God faithfully even though you have many enemies on every side, please know that God loves you and so do I.
In every one of the letters to the churches of Asia, Jesus wanted Christians to know that He knew what is going on in their lives. He knew when they did a good work. He knew when they sinned. And He knew when they suffered.
To the church in Pergamum He said, “I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is; and you hold fast My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells” (Revelation 2:13). Now, the book of Revelation is primarily a book of encouragement to suffering saints. These were Christians who were suffering terrible persecution and Jesus wanted them to know that He was with them and that they would eventually overcome if they remained faithful (see Revelation 2:10). But where was Jesus when Antipas died? Was He not able to deliver Antipas? Did He let Antipas down?
No! He did NOT let Antipas down!! He knew what was happening and Antipas was by no means the only faithful witness of Jesus Christ who died in that 200 years of persecution. Yes, He knew! When you read the rest of Revelation and realize that those who gave their lives in that persecution are right now reigning with Jesus (Revelation 20:4-6), you see that Jesus did indeed take care of them. Dying is not the worst that can happen to a Christian. Being unfaithful is far worse.
I know that some of you are suffering right now. I know that a few of you may feel like no one knows or cares that you are suffering so severely. I want you to know that Jesus knows. And He cares. I may not know the details, but I care, too. And so do your faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. None of us is in this alone, praise God. As you start another week, trying your best to serve God faithfully even though you have many enemies on every side, please know that God loves you and so do I.
All You Need
I find the thought that God would leave us here without telling us what He expected of us to be a very discouraging thought. What I mean is, if I understood that God expected me to be faithful to Him, to please Him with my life, but He did not tell me how to do that, I would find little reason to hope. I am sure that there are a lot of people who feel that religion is just that hopeless. Boy, am I glad it’s not!
By the time the apostle Peter had written his second letter to the church, he says that God had already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). That means that we do not need anything else. We have all we need.
I know that there are many people who struggle in life and are searching for meaning in their lives. They want to know the answers to a lot of questions. They want to know that their lives can have purpose. They look around at “life” and think there must be more than this. Well, there is...much more.
When many people turn to religion, they look at a religious world that is fractured and divided. There are hundreds, even thousands, of different religions. Even among those who call themselves Christians there are many hundreds of different groups, each with its own set of rules and doctrine. How is the seeker of truth to find the answers?
That is a difficult question, to be sure, but only if you are trying to find the answer from a human point of view. Let us look again at 2 Peter 1:3: seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. So, we do not have to answer this question from a human point of view. The apostle Paul wrote: All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). So, what we have is this: God expects us to live a faithful life, obedient to all His will, and He has told us what that will is. I do not have to go through life wondering what God wants me to do. He has given me everything I need.
What a comforting thought! I do not have to decide what I should do. Now, all I have to do is decide if I will do what He commands. As you head out the door to whatever life holds for you, what will you decide? Will you live your life like God wants you to? If you do, your life may still be tough, but it will not be as tough as life without God in the long run. And that is because He loves you and I want you to know this because I love you, too.
By the time the apostle Peter had written his second letter to the church, he says that God had already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). That means that we do not need anything else. We have all we need.
I know that there are many people who struggle in life and are searching for meaning in their lives. They want to know the answers to a lot of questions. They want to know that their lives can have purpose. They look around at “life” and think there must be more than this. Well, there is...much more.
When many people turn to religion, they look at a religious world that is fractured and divided. There are hundreds, even thousands, of different religions. Even among those who call themselves Christians there are many hundreds of different groups, each with its own set of rules and doctrine. How is the seeker of truth to find the answers?
That is a difficult question, to be sure, but only if you are trying to find the answer from a human point of view. Let us look again at 2 Peter 1:3: seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. So, we do not have to answer this question from a human point of view. The apostle Paul wrote: All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). So, what we have is this: God expects us to live a faithful life, obedient to all His will, and He has told us what that will is. I do not have to go through life wondering what God wants me to do. He has given me everything I need.
What a comforting thought! I do not have to decide what I should do. Now, all I have to do is decide if I will do what He commands. As you head out the door to whatever life holds for you, what will you decide? Will you live your life like God wants you to? If you do, your life may still be tough, but it will not be as tough as life without God in the long run. And that is because He loves you and I want you to know this because I love you, too.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
No Sword in David’s Hand
“You’ve GOT to be kidding me!” That must surely have been similar to the thoughts that passed through Goliath’s mind when he went out that day to, once again, challenge the Israelites. Scripture says: When the Philistine looked and saw David, he disdained him; for he was but a youth (1 Samuel 17:42). “Disdained” is a nice word that means he was not impressed! In fact, verse 43 quotes Goliath: The Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
This may seem a strange way to begin our word of encouragement today, but there is something in this story I want you to consider. David did not defeat Goliath because he was smaller, lighter and quicker while Goliath was just a big, clumsy target. Goliath was a seasoned warrior. He was a champion of the Philistines. David did not think he could win because he was so good with a slingshot he knew he could not miss. He never approached any of the challenges in his life that way.
David had defended his father’s sheep from bears and lions. In fact, he had killed these dangerous predators, but even then he knew that it was God Who had delivered him. And David said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and may the Lord be with you” (1 Samuel 17:37). David told King Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail on account of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:32). I do not know how old David was, but he was apparently too young to fight as a soldier, yet he could not stand it that an enemy of God’s people could challenge them (and even Jehovah Himself) and get away with it.
Sometimes we face difficulties in life that seem every bit as threatening to us as Goliath seemed to the Israelites. The old devil plants himself right in front of our doorstep and yells his challenge. It is so terrifying that all we can do is shrink back in fear just like that Israelite army. Maybe what we need to do is look back at that young shepherd who was not about to let anybody challenge his God. I know, your troubles do not threaten God; they threaten you! Well, think of it this way. Has God not promised to take care of you? Has He not promised to make sure you never suffer more temptation than you’re able to bear (1 Corinthians 10:13)? Well, when Satan attacks you and makes you think God cannot deliver on His promises, that is taunting God! That is the time to pick out your smooth stones and step up and face the enemy.
David said something to Goliath that all of us should remember. He said, “This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel (1 Samuel 17:46). David said, in effect, a lesson needed to be taught. Apparently, somebody had gotten the idea that they could challenge the armies of God and get away with it. In your life, today, this week, someone may have gotten the idea that they could challenge or threaten you or your peace of mind and get away with it (overcome you). Not so, if you belong to Jehovah!!
You know how the story ended. David killed Goliath, and he did it without a sword in his hand
(1 Samuel 17:50). There are times when we would very much like to fight back with the weapons of this life. Remember, we have weapons much more powerful than those. We have weapons powerful enough for the destruction of fortresses (1 Corinthians 10:4). God has given you those weapons because you need them to get through this life. Do not ever forget, He loves you and so do I.
This may seem a strange way to begin our word of encouragement today, but there is something in this story I want you to consider. David did not defeat Goliath because he was smaller, lighter and quicker while Goliath was just a big, clumsy target. Goliath was a seasoned warrior. He was a champion of the Philistines. David did not think he could win because he was so good with a slingshot he knew he could not miss. He never approached any of the challenges in his life that way.
David had defended his father’s sheep from bears and lions. In fact, he had killed these dangerous predators, but even then he knew that it was God Who had delivered him. And David said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and may the Lord be with you” (1 Samuel 17:37). David told King Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail on account of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:32). I do not know how old David was, but he was apparently too young to fight as a soldier, yet he could not stand it that an enemy of God’s people could challenge them (and even Jehovah Himself) and get away with it.
Sometimes we face difficulties in life that seem every bit as threatening to us as Goliath seemed to the Israelites. The old devil plants himself right in front of our doorstep and yells his challenge. It is so terrifying that all we can do is shrink back in fear just like that Israelite army. Maybe what we need to do is look back at that young shepherd who was not about to let anybody challenge his God. I know, your troubles do not threaten God; they threaten you! Well, think of it this way. Has God not promised to take care of you? Has He not promised to make sure you never suffer more temptation than you’re able to bear (1 Corinthians 10:13)? Well, when Satan attacks you and makes you think God cannot deliver on His promises, that is taunting God! That is the time to pick out your smooth stones and step up and face the enemy.
David said something to Goliath that all of us should remember. He said, “This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel (1 Samuel 17:46). David said, in effect, a lesson needed to be taught. Apparently, somebody had gotten the idea that they could challenge the armies of God and get away with it. In your life, today, this week, someone may have gotten the idea that they could challenge or threaten you or your peace of mind and get away with it (overcome you). Not so, if you belong to Jehovah!!
You know how the story ended. David killed Goliath, and he did it without a sword in his hand
(1 Samuel 17:50). There are times when we would very much like to fight back with the weapons of this life. Remember, we have weapons much more powerful than those. We have weapons powerful enough for the destruction of fortresses (1 Corinthians 10:4). God has given you those weapons because you need them to get through this life. Do not ever forget, He loves you and so do I.
Fear the Lord and Serve Him
Even though God had predicted that the Israelites would one day reject Him and ask for a king to rule over them, it was still a disappointment when it happened. God makes it very clear that He knew that they had turned their backs on Him as their King in order to be like the nations around them. And it was not just a disappointment; it was sin. “Is it not the wheat harvest today? I will call to the Lord, that He may send thunder and rain. Then you will know and see that your wickedness is great which you have done in the sight of the Lord by asking for yourselves a king” (1 Samuel 12:17).
There is encouragement to found in this text, however. 1 Samuel 12:13, 14: “Now therefore, here is the king whom you have chosen, whom you have asked for, and behold, the Lord has set a king over you. If you will fear the Lord and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel against the command of the Lord, then both you and also the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God.” All they had to do was fear the Lord and serve Him and everything would be alright.
Well, not much has changed. We have all committed sin in our lives and we feel guilty for it; or we should. The answer is to fear God and serve Him. The particulars of how we do that are a little different now than when Samuel penned these words, but the concept is still the same.
The guilt that we feel for our sins is not pleasant, but it is not supposed to be. It should not feel good when we realize we have done something wrong. And the children of Israel did not feel good about it when Samuel showed them their sin. 1 Samuel 12:19: Then all the people said to Samuel, “Pray for your servants to the Lord your God, so that we may not die, for we have added to all our sins this evil by asking for ourselves a king.”
When we sin, the first thing we must do is confess our sins and repent of them. We cannot continue a relationship with God without repenting. And, as it relates to encouragement, we cannot begin to feel encouraged without repentance. I know there are people who would be quick to tell you not to worry about it. God loves you, anyway. Well, I agree. He loves you, but you cannot walk with God and have confidence in His ability to get you through difficult times when you refuse to repent of your sin. When we want to fear the Lord and serve Him, we will obey His commands to repent of our sins.
Samuel had words of comfort even for a rebellious people. He said, “Do not fear. You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. You must not turn aside, for then you would go after futile things which can not profit or deliver, because they are futile. For the Lord will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the Lord has been pleased to make you a people for Himself” (1 Samuel 12:20-22).
God will take care of you. All you have to do is fear Him and serve Him. All you have to do is give yourself completely, in the way the Bible says to do it. But Samuel left them with a warning: “But if you still do wickedly, both you and your king will be swept away” (1 Samuel 12:25).
I want to close today with more words from Samuel: Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you (1 Samuel 12:24). If each one of us will obey this command, we will be able to get through life’s hard places. God will help us get through them. He will because He loves you and so do I.
There is encouragement to found in this text, however. 1 Samuel 12:13, 14: “Now therefore, here is the king whom you have chosen, whom you have asked for, and behold, the Lord has set a king over you. If you will fear the Lord and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel against the command of the Lord, then both you and also the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God.” All they had to do was fear the Lord and serve Him and everything would be alright.
Well, not much has changed. We have all committed sin in our lives and we feel guilty for it; or we should. The answer is to fear God and serve Him. The particulars of how we do that are a little different now than when Samuel penned these words, but the concept is still the same.
The guilt that we feel for our sins is not pleasant, but it is not supposed to be. It should not feel good when we realize we have done something wrong. And the children of Israel did not feel good about it when Samuel showed them their sin. 1 Samuel 12:19: Then all the people said to Samuel, “Pray for your servants to the Lord your God, so that we may not die, for we have added to all our sins this evil by asking for ourselves a king.”
When we sin, the first thing we must do is confess our sins and repent of them. We cannot continue a relationship with God without repenting. And, as it relates to encouragement, we cannot begin to feel encouraged without repentance. I know there are people who would be quick to tell you not to worry about it. God loves you, anyway. Well, I agree. He loves you, but you cannot walk with God and have confidence in His ability to get you through difficult times when you refuse to repent of your sin. When we want to fear the Lord and serve Him, we will obey His commands to repent of our sins.
Samuel had words of comfort even for a rebellious people. He said, “Do not fear. You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. You must not turn aside, for then you would go after futile things which can not profit or deliver, because they are futile. For the Lord will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the Lord has been pleased to make you a people for Himself” (1 Samuel 12:20-22).
God will take care of you. All you have to do is fear Him and serve Him. All you have to do is give yourself completely, in the way the Bible says to do it. But Samuel left them with a warning: “But if you still do wickedly, both you and your king will be swept away” (1 Samuel 12:25).
I want to close today with more words from Samuel: Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you (1 Samuel 12:24). If each one of us will obey this command, we will be able to get through life’s hard places. God will help us get through them. He will because He loves you and so do I.
Standing Beside Your Friends
Sometimes the best thing to help you get through a tough situation is to have a good friend close by. Even when you have to go through something difficult by yourself, it feels better to have someone close who can at least hold your hand, even if it is only in spirit. You may not be able to have someone with you in an operating room, for example, but it makes it easier to know they are in the waiting room, doesn’t it?
The apostle Paul was no different. In 2 Corinthians 7:5, 6 we read: For even when we came into Macedonia our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side: conflicts without, fears within. But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus; The coming of Titus was important for Paul to be able to endure the afflictions they encountered in Macedonia. It was in Macedonia where Paul and Silas found themselves in prison before they taught and baptized the jailer in Philippi (Acts 16). The Jewish leaders in Thessalonica ran them out of that city and chased them out of Berea, too. Both of those cities are in Macedonia. Still, Paul said the coming of Titus helped them get through a very tough time.
And it was not just that Titus came, but that he brought news of others who were concerned about and suffering with Paul. …and not only by his coming, but also by the comfort with which he was comforted in you, as he reported to us your longing, your mourning, your zeal for me; so that I rejoiced even more (2 Corinthians 7:7).
As we have pointed out numerous times, you are not in this fight (or these circumstances) alone. God is on your side and that should be enough. Romans 8:31 says that if God is for us no one can be (or stand) against us. However, God is not the Only One on our side. Faithful Christians have a whole family to stand beside us in difficult times.
Close, loving relationships are complicated, aren’t they? Paul’s relationship with the church in Corinth was complicated, too. He had worked with them for a long time and knew them very well and they knew him. In His previous letter to them, Paul had been direct and had criticized them fairly severely on some things. And yet, when times got tough for Paul, his spiritual family in Corinth came to his side, spiritually speaking. 2 Corinthians 7:8, 9: For though I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it; though I did regret it -- for I see that that letter caused you sorrow, though only for a while -- I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us.
It is very important for us to note that Paul did not change his mind about the things he wrote to them. Those were things that needed to be addressed and covered sins that needed repentance. Paul did not want to hurt their feelings, but he wanted them to lose there souls even less. I hope you begin to see the incredible power in God’s design for His family here on earth. When we are looking out for each other, we can lovingly point out weaknesses in each other and the result is that sin is repented of and when any one of us is under attack, the rest come to the aid of the one stricken.
I am so glad that I belong to a family that is that strong; that I do not have to worry that if I
preach a sermon that is lovingly (and truthfully) critical of the sin in someone’s life, my brothers and sisters will not love me anymore. At the same time, it is a tremendous comfort to me to know that if someone brings my own sin to my attention, I do not have to now treat them with suspicion, but can still stand by their side when they need me. It is a great system and we have it because God loves us. He loves you and so do I.
The apostle Paul was no different. In 2 Corinthians 7:5, 6 we read: For even when we came into Macedonia our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side: conflicts without, fears within. But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus; The coming of Titus was important for Paul to be able to endure the afflictions they encountered in Macedonia. It was in Macedonia where Paul and Silas found themselves in prison before they taught and baptized the jailer in Philippi (Acts 16). The Jewish leaders in Thessalonica ran them out of that city and chased them out of Berea, too. Both of those cities are in Macedonia. Still, Paul said the coming of Titus helped them get through a very tough time.
And it was not just that Titus came, but that he brought news of others who were concerned about and suffering with Paul. …and not only by his coming, but also by the comfort with which he was comforted in you, as he reported to us your longing, your mourning, your zeal for me; so that I rejoiced even more (2 Corinthians 7:7).
As we have pointed out numerous times, you are not in this fight (or these circumstances) alone. God is on your side and that should be enough. Romans 8:31 says that if God is for us no one can be (or stand) against us. However, God is not the Only One on our side. Faithful Christians have a whole family to stand beside us in difficult times.
Close, loving relationships are complicated, aren’t they? Paul’s relationship with the church in Corinth was complicated, too. He had worked with them for a long time and knew them very well and they knew him. In His previous letter to them, Paul had been direct and had criticized them fairly severely on some things. And yet, when times got tough for Paul, his spiritual family in Corinth came to his side, spiritually speaking. 2 Corinthians 7:8, 9: For though I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it; though I did regret it -- for I see that that letter caused you sorrow, though only for a while -- I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us.
It is very important for us to note that Paul did not change his mind about the things he wrote to them. Those were things that needed to be addressed and covered sins that needed repentance. Paul did not want to hurt their feelings, but he wanted them to lose there souls even less. I hope you begin to see the incredible power in God’s design for His family here on earth. When we are looking out for each other, we can lovingly point out weaknesses in each other and the result is that sin is repented of and when any one of us is under attack, the rest come to the aid of the one stricken.
I am so glad that I belong to a family that is that strong; that I do not have to worry that if I
preach a sermon that is lovingly (and truthfully) critical of the sin in someone’s life, my brothers and sisters will not love me anymore. At the same time, it is a tremendous comfort to me to know that if someone brings my own sin to my attention, I do not have to now treat them with suspicion, but can still stand by their side when they need me. It is a great system and we have it because God loves us. He loves you and so do I.
I Will Not Fail You
When the children of Israel were about to invade the land of Canaan, after spending 40 years wandering in the wilderness, God commissioned Joshua, the son of Nun to replace Moses. He told him, "From the wilderness and this Lebanon, even as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and as far as the Great Sea toward the setting of the sun will be your territory. No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you” (Joshua 1:4,5). What a way to start a new job! I know there are times when we start a new job (or just continue in the old one) when we feel as though we were invading Canaan. And sometimes that feeling is justified. Still, it is comforting to know that the same God Who spoke those words of comfort to Joshua, stands beside you and me in the most difficult of times.
One of my favorite themes of Scripture is that of warfare. There is something that stirs my heart when I consider the descriptions made in the Bible of the soldiers of the cross; the “good fight”; the glory of our victory in Jesus. The Israelites were told that “no man will be able to stand before you.” However, they were still going to have to fight. To fight is a scary concept for most of us. We do not like to fight. We do not want to fight, but we have to fight. When you go into the fight, take this bit of advice with you: “Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go” (Joshua 1:7). Of course, we do not live under the law of Moses anymore, but we do live under a law which God expects us to obey. It is the Law of Christ (Galatians 6:2); the law of faith (Romans 3:27); the perfect law of liberty (James 1:25).
I cannot make this point strongly enough: if you will face your enemies, careful to do according to the law of Christ and not turn from it to the right or to the left, you will have success wherever you go. Does this mean that faithful Christians never have to worry about being laid off from their jobs or fired for standing for what is right? No, it does not! Sometimes Christians do suffer for their faith. So, what does this promise mean to us? The “success” that Scripture promises us if we obey this command today is true, eternal success. You may lose your job, your friends, your family, even your life, but if you remain steadfast at the side of God Almighty, your real enemy will never be able to beat you.
The key is our faithfulness to God and His will. Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.” Again, the book of law in Joshua’s day was the Law of Moses (including the Ten Commandments) and that law has been nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:13,14; Ephesians 2:14-16). Today, we need to meditate on the whole of the Bible just as much (day and night) in order to have the strength to contend with the one who would bring us down. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). This week, when you go out to work or to school, to start a new job or continue with an old one, be strong and courageous. Do not tremble, be dismayed or afraid because God is with you wherever you go. He loves you and so do I.
One of my favorite themes of Scripture is that of warfare. There is something that stirs my heart when I consider the descriptions made in the Bible of the soldiers of the cross; the “good fight”; the glory of our victory in Jesus. The Israelites were told that “no man will be able to stand before you.” However, they were still going to have to fight. To fight is a scary concept for most of us. We do not like to fight. We do not want to fight, but we have to fight. When you go into the fight, take this bit of advice with you: “Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go” (Joshua 1:7). Of course, we do not live under the law of Moses anymore, but we do live under a law which God expects us to obey. It is the Law of Christ (Galatians 6:2); the law of faith (Romans 3:27); the perfect law of liberty (James 1:25).
I cannot make this point strongly enough: if you will face your enemies, careful to do according to the law of Christ and not turn from it to the right or to the left, you will have success wherever you go. Does this mean that faithful Christians never have to worry about being laid off from their jobs or fired for standing for what is right? No, it does not! Sometimes Christians do suffer for their faith. So, what does this promise mean to us? The “success” that Scripture promises us if we obey this command today is true, eternal success. You may lose your job, your friends, your family, even your life, but if you remain steadfast at the side of God Almighty, your real enemy will never be able to beat you.
The key is our faithfulness to God and His will. Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.” Again, the book of law in Joshua’s day was the Law of Moses (including the Ten Commandments) and that law has been nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:13,14; Ephesians 2:14-16). Today, we need to meditate on the whole of the Bible just as much (day and night) in order to have the strength to contend with the one who would bring us down. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). This week, when you go out to work or to school, to start a new job or continue with an old one, be strong and courageous. Do not tremble, be dismayed or afraid because God is with you wherever you go. He loves you and so do I.
Precious In His Sight
The things that afflict us in this life are all serious, especially if you are the one suffering. And of course, those things that afflict me seem more serious than those things that afflict someone else. Still, we all recognize that there are some afflictions that we feel more acutely.
I don’t suppose anything hurts as much as the loss of a loved one. Other installments of Barnabas Notes have addressed many passages of Scripture that offer comfort to those who have experienced such heartbreak. One such passage is even written for the express purpose of comforting Christians who have lost a family member or other loved one. But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
For those who are faithful Christians there is the promise that the dead in Christ are safe, will be raised again and will be with their faithful loved ones and Jesus for eternity. This has to be the ultimate in words of comfort. In our pain and suffering through grief, it helps to know that God is there and considers the death of His saints as precious. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones (Psalm 116:15). At the same time, consider that those who are suffering affliction (whether from the death of a loved one or from some other source) are also considered precious in God’s sight. He will rescue their life from oppression and violence, and their blood will be precious in His sight (Psalm 72:14).
King David was someone precious in the sight of God. In 1 Samuel 13:14 we find that David was a man after God’s own heart. God loved Him very much. When David’s first baby with Bathsheba was born, the child was stricken. The baby suffered for a week and David suffered right along with it. On the seventh day, the child died and as grieved as David was, he determined to live his life in such a way that he would see that child again (2 Samuel 12:23). God comforted these grieving parents. He will comfort us today.
How great is the comfort in the realization that God is watching, that He cares, that He weeps with us, and that He promises to give us the strength to survive. If these words serve to give His comfort to you, I am happy to be a part of that comforting process, but we must understand that He is the Ultimate Source of the comfort we receive.
God takes care of His precious ones. He loves us and gives us all we need to overcome whatever the affliction, even when death comes to our families. Even through our pain and our tears, we can feel better, knowing that God weeps, too. He makes life worth living. He makes it worthwhile to continue on, even when we do not feel like we ever could. I hope you know today that He loves you and that I do, too.
I don’t suppose anything hurts as much as the loss of a loved one. Other installments of Barnabas Notes have addressed many passages of Scripture that offer comfort to those who have experienced such heartbreak. One such passage is even written for the express purpose of comforting Christians who have lost a family member or other loved one. But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
For those who are faithful Christians there is the promise that the dead in Christ are safe, will be raised again and will be with their faithful loved ones and Jesus for eternity. This has to be the ultimate in words of comfort. In our pain and suffering through grief, it helps to know that God is there and considers the death of His saints as precious. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones (Psalm 116:15). At the same time, consider that those who are suffering affliction (whether from the death of a loved one or from some other source) are also considered precious in God’s sight. He will rescue their life from oppression and violence, and their blood will be precious in His sight (Psalm 72:14).
King David was someone precious in the sight of God. In 1 Samuel 13:14 we find that David was a man after God’s own heart. God loved Him very much. When David’s first baby with Bathsheba was born, the child was stricken. The baby suffered for a week and David suffered right along with it. On the seventh day, the child died and as grieved as David was, he determined to live his life in such a way that he would see that child again (2 Samuel 12:23). God comforted these grieving parents. He will comfort us today.
How great is the comfort in the realization that God is watching, that He cares, that He weeps with us, and that He promises to give us the strength to survive. If these words serve to give His comfort to you, I am happy to be a part of that comforting process, but we must understand that He is the Ultimate Source of the comfort we receive.
God takes care of His precious ones. He loves us and gives us all we need to overcome whatever the affliction, even when death comes to our families. Even through our pain and our tears, we can feel better, knowing that God weeps, too. He makes life worth living. He makes it worthwhile to continue on, even when we do not feel like we ever could. I hope you know today that He loves you and that I do, too.
Redeeming the Time
The stated purpose of Barnabas Notes is to encourage those who need encouragement. I pray that you have been encouraged by what you have read in these notes. Usually, the word of encouragement we offer comes from a passage of Scripture that tells us that God loves us and is ready, willing and able to comfort any of us in our afflictions. There is another side to encouragement, however.
In order to be truly lifted up, we have to realize that we have a responsibility, as well. God never promises to take away all our troubles so that we never have to suffer anything. We should not expect God’s blessings in our lives if we are determined to live contrary to His will, as though He does not mind our rebellion. God does not promise to give us strength to endure when we so callously treat Him and His word. It is true that sometimes we suffer as a result of the consequences of our own actions.
The most encouraging thought in all of Scripture is that God will save me in the end, to be with Him in heaven for eternity. However, that promise is offered only to those who, in faith, submit themselves to His will. Those who want to be comforted in this ultimate way (heaven) have a responsibility to live in a certain way.
The apostle Paul said, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15, 16). We have to be careful to walk as wise men. It does not just happen. “Walking as wise men” means living the way God wants us to live; living in a way that will result in eternal life and not eternal condemnation. “Making the most of your time” means not wasting time thinking that you will always have another day to do the right thing. The days are evil and every day you hold off giving yourself in faithful obedience to God, it gets harder to do.
I doubt any of us thinks living in fear is a very comforting way to live. How can we live, not in fear, but in hope? How can we know we have eternal life? The apostle John wrote us to tell us just how we can have such knowledge (1 John 5:13). Among other things, John says, “By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him” (1 John 2:3-5).
This is exactly the reason we always refer to Scripture in these notes from friend Barnabas. There is nothing I could ever say that can offer better hope than the hope of Scripture, but in the Word of God we have all the hope we need. Yes, God has required some things from us in order to have hope of eternal life (the ultimate answer to all our problems), but it is also true that if we obey Him, we do not have to worry about any petty little problems here on this earth. Remember the words of Paul: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us (Romans 8:18). If you are a faithful Christian, you have this same hope. And you have it because God loves you and so do I.
In order to be truly lifted up, we have to realize that we have a responsibility, as well. God never promises to take away all our troubles so that we never have to suffer anything. We should not expect God’s blessings in our lives if we are determined to live contrary to His will, as though He does not mind our rebellion. God does not promise to give us strength to endure when we so callously treat Him and His word. It is true that sometimes we suffer as a result of the consequences of our own actions.
The most encouraging thought in all of Scripture is that God will save me in the end, to be with Him in heaven for eternity. However, that promise is offered only to those who, in faith, submit themselves to His will. Those who want to be comforted in this ultimate way (heaven) have a responsibility to live in a certain way.
The apostle Paul said, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15, 16). We have to be careful to walk as wise men. It does not just happen. “Walking as wise men” means living the way God wants us to live; living in a way that will result in eternal life and not eternal condemnation. “Making the most of your time” means not wasting time thinking that you will always have another day to do the right thing. The days are evil and every day you hold off giving yourself in faithful obedience to God, it gets harder to do.
I doubt any of us thinks living in fear is a very comforting way to live. How can we live, not in fear, but in hope? How can we know we have eternal life? The apostle John wrote us to tell us just how we can have such knowledge (1 John 5:13). Among other things, John says, “By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him” (1 John 2:3-5).
This is exactly the reason we always refer to Scripture in these notes from friend Barnabas. There is nothing I could ever say that can offer better hope than the hope of Scripture, but in the Word of God we have all the hope we need. Yes, God has required some things from us in order to have hope of eternal life (the ultimate answer to all our problems), but it is also true that if we obey Him, we do not have to worry about any petty little problems here on this earth. Remember the words of Paul: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us (Romans 8:18). If you are a faithful Christian, you have this same hope. And you have it because God loves you and so do I.
We’re All in This Together
The apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:13: “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man...” In other Barnabas Notes we have spoken about the comforting aspect of the rest of this verse (i.e. that God will provide a way of escape from temptation), but for this week I want to talk about the comfort we find in fellowship; in this case, fellowship in suffering. Now, I do not want you to think that I am glad you suffer so that I do not feel all alone, or that any of us should glory in the suffering of others. What I mean is that it helps to know that what I suffer has been suffered by others who have endured.
I know that when things go wrong in my life, I am tempted to think that I am the only one ever to have gone through something like that. No one could possibly have had it as rough as I have it, I think. One very dangerous result of that kind of thinking is that I may well be tempted to think that it is alright if I succumb to the temptation to “curse God and die” when I am suffering (see Job 2:9), because if anyone else had ever suffered this they would understand. It makes us begin to excuse our sins rather than truly repent of them.
We have not all been where Isaiah was in Isaiah 6:1-5 (in the throne room of Jehovah God), but he showed us the proper attitude to have when we sin. “Woe is me, for I am undone!” is a good response to our own sin. We all have been in the position Peter found himself in when the rooster crowed that morning just after he had denied Jesus for the third time. No, we have not stood outside a house where Jesus was being held and denied him by “cussin” maybe, but we have all denied Him, just the same. When it dawned on Peter what he had done, he went out and wept bitterly (Matthew 26:75).
I have been there. Have you? I suspect that most of us have. In fact, if Romans 3:23 is true and we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, then we have all been where Peter was and we should have the same attitude with regard to our sin. It may feel like no one could possibly have suffered like I have, but that does not excuse my sin and it does not excuse my giving in to the temptation to let myself be overcome by evil rather than overcoming evil with good (Romans 12:21).
No, you are not in this alone. We are all in this together. I hope that the things I have learned because of what I have suffered will help you or someone who needs it. By the same token, I continue to be helped and strengthened by the things that others have suffered before me. We are all in this together and I thank God Almighty that He went through it first and showed us that we can overcome. Have a great week and know that God loves you and so do I.
I know that when things go wrong in my life, I am tempted to think that I am the only one ever to have gone through something like that. No one could possibly have had it as rough as I have it, I think. One very dangerous result of that kind of thinking is that I may well be tempted to think that it is alright if I succumb to the temptation to “curse God and die” when I am suffering (see Job 2:9), because if anyone else had ever suffered this they would understand. It makes us begin to excuse our sins rather than truly repent of them.
We have not all been where Isaiah was in Isaiah 6:1-5 (in the throne room of Jehovah God), but he showed us the proper attitude to have when we sin. “Woe is me, for I am undone!” is a good response to our own sin. We all have been in the position Peter found himself in when the rooster crowed that morning just after he had denied Jesus for the third time. No, we have not stood outside a house where Jesus was being held and denied him by “cussin” maybe, but we have all denied Him, just the same. When it dawned on Peter what he had done, he went out and wept bitterly (Matthew 26:75).
I have been there. Have you? I suspect that most of us have. In fact, if Romans 3:23 is true and we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, then we have all been where Peter was and we should have the same attitude with regard to our sin. It may feel like no one could possibly have suffered like I have, but that does not excuse my sin and it does not excuse my giving in to the temptation to let myself be overcome by evil rather than overcoming evil with good (Romans 12:21).
No, you are not in this alone. We are all in this together. I hope that the things I have learned because of what I have suffered will help you or someone who needs it. By the same token, I continue to be helped and strengthened by the things that others have suffered before me. We are all in this together and I thank God Almighty that He went through it first and showed us that we can overcome. Have a great week and know that God loves you and so do I.
I Am Not Alone!
One of the loneliest times I ever experienced was in a city of over 1,000,000 people. I learned then that loneliness is not about numbers, but about relationships. There were plenty of people around, but I didn’t know any of them well enough to feel “at home.” I don’t suppose there are many emotions as powerful as loneliness. The feeling of being overcome is almost too powerful to resist and, indeed, many people do not resist it.
Jesus, at the culmination of His entire ministry, felt so overwhelmed and forsaken that He cried out to His heavenly Father, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:34). If that doesn’t tell us anything else, it should tell us that this is a serious thing we are discussing, this feeling of being forsaken. If the powers of loneliness and discouragement are that strong (strong enough to impact even Jesus), we had better not take them for granted. But notice that I said they impacted Jesus. I did not say they overcame Him, because they didn’t! By the way, Jesus’ experience with discouragement and loneliness on the cross should also teach us something else. Given the fact that Jesus did not commit any sin (Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 2:21-23), we know He did not sin by crying out as He did. It is not a sin for you to cry out to God. It is not a sin to feel discouraged and lonely. It only becomes a sin when you do not turn to God for relief.
Long ago, God promised never to leave or forsake His faithful ones (Deuteronomy 31:6,8; Joshua 1:5). The author of Hebrews quoted those verses and applied the same promise to the faithful of God today: “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). God is on our side. Aren’t you glad? I know I am! I need Him on my side!! And you won’t be offended if I point out that you do, too.
The night before Jesus’ crucifixion, He was already under a lot of stress. The pressure to give in and just run screaming into the night (like we’ve all felt like doing) was beginning to build. In Matthew 26:38 Jesus said His soul was “grieved to the point of death.” If that’s not an indication of great stress, I don’t know what is.
Let’s back up a few hours, though. Jesus made a statement to His disciples that gives us a clear picture of what was happening and provides for us today a ray of hope that will help us not to be overcome. We are not alone because Jesus was not alone!! John 16:32, 33: "Behold, an hour is coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each to his own home, and to leave Me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."
I know that there will be times when you are all alone and you know it, too. It may be that all your friends have forsaken you. It may just be that in an unanticipated moment of stress, there is no one available to “watch your back,” or give you the encouragement you need. It is true that sometimes awful and stressful things happen in a moment and there is no time to prepare or to line up the forces on your side. Jesus said, “You will leave Me alone, but I am not alone!” I want you to know, that is as powerful a statement as we will find. It may look and feel like you are all alone in this world, but if you belong to Him, you are not alone!
Good friends, the world can throw some big and scary things at us. “…but take courage; I have overcome the world,” Jesus says. Our Lord is bigger and stronger than the world. That means we cannot be overcome if we will trust in Him. Those disciples did leave Jesus, but eleven of them came back and they overcame and were not overcome. You may have left Jesus at some point or another. You may have thought He had forsaken you. Well, He did not! He is waiting and He is ready to give you the strength you need to overcome whatever stands in your path. He is there because He loves you and I send this to you because I do, too!
Jesus, at the culmination of His entire ministry, felt so overwhelmed and forsaken that He cried out to His heavenly Father, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:34). If that doesn’t tell us anything else, it should tell us that this is a serious thing we are discussing, this feeling of being forsaken. If the powers of loneliness and discouragement are that strong (strong enough to impact even Jesus), we had better not take them for granted. But notice that I said they impacted Jesus. I did not say they overcame Him, because they didn’t! By the way, Jesus’ experience with discouragement and loneliness on the cross should also teach us something else. Given the fact that Jesus did not commit any sin (Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 2:21-23), we know He did not sin by crying out as He did. It is not a sin for you to cry out to God. It is not a sin to feel discouraged and lonely. It only becomes a sin when you do not turn to God for relief.
Long ago, God promised never to leave or forsake His faithful ones (Deuteronomy 31:6,8; Joshua 1:5). The author of Hebrews quoted those verses and applied the same promise to the faithful of God today: “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). God is on our side. Aren’t you glad? I know I am! I need Him on my side!! And you won’t be offended if I point out that you do, too.
The night before Jesus’ crucifixion, He was already under a lot of stress. The pressure to give in and just run screaming into the night (like we’ve all felt like doing) was beginning to build. In Matthew 26:38 Jesus said His soul was “grieved to the point of death.” If that’s not an indication of great stress, I don’t know what is.
Let’s back up a few hours, though. Jesus made a statement to His disciples that gives us a clear picture of what was happening and provides for us today a ray of hope that will help us not to be overcome. We are not alone because Jesus was not alone!! John 16:32, 33: "Behold, an hour is coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each to his own home, and to leave Me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."
I know that there will be times when you are all alone and you know it, too. It may be that all your friends have forsaken you. It may just be that in an unanticipated moment of stress, there is no one available to “watch your back,” or give you the encouragement you need. It is true that sometimes awful and stressful things happen in a moment and there is no time to prepare or to line up the forces on your side. Jesus said, “You will leave Me alone, but I am not alone!” I want you to know, that is as powerful a statement as we will find. It may look and feel like you are all alone in this world, but if you belong to Him, you are not alone!
Good friends, the world can throw some big and scary things at us. “…but take courage; I have overcome the world,” Jesus says. Our Lord is bigger and stronger than the world. That means we cannot be overcome if we will trust in Him. Those disciples did leave Jesus, but eleven of them came back and they overcame and were not overcome. You may have left Jesus at some point or another. You may have thought He had forsaken you. Well, He did not! He is waiting and He is ready to give you the strength you need to overcome whatever stands in your path. He is there because He loves you and I send this to you because I do, too!
Remember Your Creator
Solomon wrote: Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, “I have no delight in them” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). The evil days that Solomon refers to in this passage seem to be the days when we grow old. In the next few verses Solomon makes analogies to the running down of the human body at the end of a long life.
There is coming a day, if the Lord postpones His return and we live long enough, when each one of us is going to understand the truth of this passage better than we do right now. Some who are reading this already understand it better than some others. Sometimes it is hard to be upbeat, positive and happy when your whole body hurts. You look in the mirror in the morning and wonder why you have to suffer the way you do. Some people hurt so much that they seriously consider harming themselves (and some do); others blame God.
We have not spent a great deal of time in these notes talking about this kind of suffering, but it is just as real. When your body hurts and/or you just do not feel good, our enemy (the devil) finds it easier to plant doubt and discouragement in your mind. If you have not prepared yourself beforehand to withstand his attacks, it is harder to come up with the strength and will to do so when you are weak.
So, Solomon says do it now. A day is coming when your body will fail completely. It may be at the end of a long life or it may be because of some kind of accident or illness that threatens you “before your time.” Either way, you need to remember God now, before it is too late! Solomon says to remember Him “…before the silver cord is broken and the golden bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed; then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:6, 7). In other words, remember God before you meet Him face to Face.
There is nothing I could possibly say that is more important than the way Solomon ends his book. Solomon tried very hard to teach something that would help people and we try very hard to do the same with these Barnabas Notes. Ecclesiastes 12:9-12: In addition to being a wise man, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge; and he pondered, searched out and arranged many proverbs. The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly. The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd. But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body. There is no end to the good self-help books or articles that we can find. It is my prayer that these notes provide some comfort and encouragement. However, what all of us really need to do is pay attention to the One Shepherd Who is able to give us all the comfort we really need.
Ecclesiastes 12:13: The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. As you start another week of work, school or just life in general, you may be in pain, maybe extreme pain. The pain you suffer may be mental or it may be physical, but it’s real, isn’t it? The answer to your pain is found in the word of God. No, reading the Bible won’t necessarily make your arthritis stop hurting, but it will give you the strength you need to keep you from letting your physical (or mental) pain separate you from the God Who loves you enough to promise you an end to all suffering if you will just submit yourself to Him. You have the words of life because God loves you and I want you to know that I love you, too.
There is coming a day, if the Lord postpones His return and we live long enough, when each one of us is going to understand the truth of this passage better than we do right now. Some who are reading this already understand it better than some others. Sometimes it is hard to be upbeat, positive and happy when your whole body hurts. You look in the mirror in the morning and wonder why you have to suffer the way you do. Some people hurt so much that they seriously consider harming themselves (and some do); others blame God.
We have not spent a great deal of time in these notes talking about this kind of suffering, but it is just as real. When your body hurts and/or you just do not feel good, our enemy (the devil) finds it easier to plant doubt and discouragement in your mind. If you have not prepared yourself beforehand to withstand his attacks, it is harder to come up with the strength and will to do so when you are weak.
So, Solomon says do it now. A day is coming when your body will fail completely. It may be at the end of a long life or it may be because of some kind of accident or illness that threatens you “before your time.” Either way, you need to remember God now, before it is too late! Solomon says to remember Him “…before the silver cord is broken and the golden bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed; then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:6, 7). In other words, remember God before you meet Him face to Face.
There is nothing I could possibly say that is more important than the way Solomon ends his book. Solomon tried very hard to teach something that would help people and we try very hard to do the same with these Barnabas Notes. Ecclesiastes 12:9-12: In addition to being a wise man, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge; and he pondered, searched out and arranged many proverbs. The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly. The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd. But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body. There is no end to the good self-help books or articles that we can find. It is my prayer that these notes provide some comfort and encouragement. However, what all of us really need to do is pay attention to the One Shepherd Who is able to give us all the comfort we really need.
Ecclesiastes 12:13: The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. As you start another week of work, school or just life in general, you may be in pain, maybe extreme pain. The pain you suffer may be mental or it may be physical, but it’s real, isn’t it? The answer to your pain is found in the word of God. No, reading the Bible won’t necessarily make your arthritis stop hurting, but it will give you the strength you need to keep you from letting your physical (or mental) pain separate you from the God Who loves you enough to promise you an end to all suffering if you will just submit yourself to Him. You have the words of life because God loves you and I want you to know that I love you, too.
Take My Hand, Lord
There’s a song in the song book we use in our congregation called “Take My Hand, Precious Lord.” It is a beautiful song, musically and in sentiment. The whole song is about asking God to take care of us when we are down, discouraged and about to be overwhelmed. The psalmist Asaph wrote a similar prayer. He said, “When my heart was embittered and I was pierced within, then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before You. Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand. With Your counsel You will guide me, and afterward receive me to glory” (Psalm 73:21-24).
There are a lot of things that can overwhelm us, discourage us, or embitter us. They all drain us. This is a serious threat that we dare not take lightly. Asaph makes a wonderfully beautiful point. He was where many of us have been and maybe some are right now. His heart had been embittered. He was pierced within. I don’t know about you (although I have an idea you are much like me), but when I am in that condition, I am truly miserable. I can relate to what Asaph says; that he was “senseless and ignorant.” We are blinded to logic and sometimes even reality. All we see is the bitterness, the misery, the pain we feel. We cannot reason objectively. We really are like animals.
Even now, however, there is hope. I simply love the word “nevertheless.” Many years ago, in that old movie “African Queen,” a German naval officer asked Kathryn Hepburn how she and Humphrey Bogart came to be in the lake where they were captured. She replied they had come down a certain river. The German captain said that was impossible. Ms. Hepburn calmly replied, “Nevertheless…” In his mind, what she claimed was impossible. Nevertheless, it was true! Sometimes we find ourselves in an impossible situation…like the one Asaph describes. Nevertheless!! Nevertheless, he found himself with the Lord. When all was lost, Jehovah was nearby. He had taken the downtrodden, discouraged and overwhelmed by the hand. He can, even in the most difficult of times, counsel and guide those who will just take His hand (and, of course, we mean all that taking Him by the hand means). Even in a seemingly hopeless time, we can have hope of being received to glory.
Do you remember the apostle Peter? Peter is a favorite of the apostles to study because he was so much like us in temperament. He was impulsive, passionate and sometimes it got him into trouble. A favorite incident involving Peter was when he actually got out of a boat and walked on the water, just like Jesus! You know the story…how Peter walked on the water and then took his eyes off of Jesus and began to sink. Do you remember what he said? He cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:30). That’s the key! If you will remember, Jesus plucked Peter out of the water, saved him from drowning, by stretching out his hand and taking hold of him (Matthew 14:31). Take my hand, Lord!
This week, when things get tough or when you get a little discouraged, when the world threatens to absolutely overwhelm you, remember Asaph’s psalm and Peter’s example. Do not be afraid to cry out, “Take my hand, Lord!” He will be there for you, if you will give Him a chance. He loves you and so do I.
There are a lot of things that can overwhelm us, discourage us, or embitter us. They all drain us. This is a serious threat that we dare not take lightly. Asaph makes a wonderfully beautiful point. He was where many of us have been and maybe some are right now. His heart had been embittered. He was pierced within. I don’t know about you (although I have an idea you are much like me), but when I am in that condition, I am truly miserable. I can relate to what Asaph says; that he was “senseless and ignorant.” We are blinded to logic and sometimes even reality. All we see is the bitterness, the misery, the pain we feel. We cannot reason objectively. We really are like animals.
Even now, however, there is hope. I simply love the word “nevertheless.” Many years ago, in that old movie “African Queen,” a German naval officer asked Kathryn Hepburn how she and Humphrey Bogart came to be in the lake where they were captured. She replied they had come down a certain river. The German captain said that was impossible. Ms. Hepburn calmly replied, “Nevertheless…” In his mind, what she claimed was impossible. Nevertheless, it was true! Sometimes we find ourselves in an impossible situation…like the one Asaph describes. Nevertheless!! Nevertheless, he found himself with the Lord. When all was lost, Jehovah was nearby. He had taken the downtrodden, discouraged and overwhelmed by the hand. He can, even in the most difficult of times, counsel and guide those who will just take His hand (and, of course, we mean all that taking Him by the hand means). Even in a seemingly hopeless time, we can have hope of being received to glory.
Do you remember the apostle Peter? Peter is a favorite of the apostles to study because he was so much like us in temperament. He was impulsive, passionate and sometimes it got him into trouble. A favorite incident involving Peter was when he actually got out of a boat and walked on the water, just like Jesus! You know the story…how Peter walked on the water and then took his eyes off of Jesus and began to sink. Do you remember what he said? He cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:30). That’s the key! If you will remember, Jesus plucked Peter out of the water, saved him from drowning, by stretching out his hand and taking hold of him (Matthew 14:31). Take my hand, Lord!
This week, when things get tough or when you get a little discouraged, when the world threatens to absolutely overwhelm you, remember Asaph’s psalm and Peter’s example. Do not be afraid to cry out, “Take my hand, Lord!” He will be there for you, if you will give Him a chance. He loves you and so do I.
Thank You, from the Bottom of My Heart
I am sure all of us, at one time or another, have felt and expressed thanks from the bottom of our hearts. Someone did something for us that absolutely overwhelmed us. “Thanks” really did not seem enough to say, did it? At times like that, you almost feel embarrassed that it’s all you can say or do.
In Psalm 54, David says, “Thank you” to God. Time and again we have expressed our appreciation in this blog for God’s care of us. We need Him to get through this life and none of us would argue with that. David says, “Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul. He will recompense the evil to my foes; destroy them in Your faithfulness. Willingly I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks to Your name, O Lord, for it is good” (Psalm 54:4-6).
Truly, the Lord is the “Sustainer” of our souls. If you are like me, you cannot count the times you needed His help to get you through a tough time. There have been enemies that have stood over against us, whom God has defeated and we were able to make it through. Yes, He is definitely our Helper. We ought to echo David and willingly sacrifice to Him, which means worship Him. We ought to be happy to give thanks to His name, for it is indeed good.
It is definitely a comfort to know that God is always on hand when we need Him. However, what I would really like us to think about today, and this week, is how much we need to show Him our appreciation. No, He doesn’t need our appreciation because He doesn’t need anything from us to sustain Him (Acts 17:25). We are the ones who need to appreciate Him. We do not want to run the risk of taking Him for granted, as though He owed us anything. We owe Him, and we owe Him everything!!
It has been my prayer from the beginning of Barnabas Notes that something that was said in these short comments would lift someone’s spirit or ease someone’s pain. However, I want you to understand that all comfort comes from God. He it is Who deserves our appreciation for the encouragement that comes through this newsletter or the words of encouragement you give back to me in your kind comments. He is the Source of all good things.
Notice these words from David: Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Your name forever. For Your lovingkindness toward me is great, and You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol (Psalm 86:11-13). In order to properly appreciate God for what He has done for us and thank Him, we need His help in order to walk in His truth and fear His name. That means, of course, to live a faithful, Christian life before our Lord. For anyone to say they love Him and thank Him for the grace He has offered and then not to obey His commands or live a life pleasing to Him, is to be ungrateful to the extreme.
I want this thought on your heart. God loves you and has delivered you from more things than you probably even know. The fact that you are alive right now testifies to His deliverance. Show Him how much you appreciate His watchful care, His grace and His love. Give yourself fully to Him in faith and obedience. Know, really deep down, that He loves you and so do I.
In Psalm 54, David says, “Thank you” to God. Time and again we have expressed our appreciation in this blog for God’s care of us. We need Him to get through this life and none of us would argue with that. David says, “Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul. He will recompense the evil to my foes; destroy them in Your faithfulness. Willingly I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks to Your name, O Lord, for it is good” (Psalm 54:4-6).
Truly, the Lord is the “Sustainer” of our souls. If you are like me, you cannot count the times you needed His help to get you through a tough time. There have been enemies that have stood over against us, whom God has defeated and we were able to make it through. Yes, He is definitely our Helper. We ought to echo David and willingly sacrifice to Him, which means worship Him. We ought to be happy to give thanks to His name, for it is indeed good.
It is definitely a comfort to know that God is always on hand when we need Him. However, what I would really like us to think about today, and this week, is how much we need to show Him our appreciation. No, He doesn’t need our appreciation because He doesn’t need anything from us to sustain Him (Acts 17:25). We are the ones who need to appreciate Him. We do not want to run the risk of taking Him for granted, as though He owed us anything. We owe Him, and we owe Him everything!!
It has been my prayer from the beginning of Barnabas Notes that something that was said in these short comments would lift someone’s spirit or ease someone’s pain. However, I want you to understand that all comfort comes from God. He it is Who deserves our appreciation for the encouragement that comes through this newsletter or the words of encouragement you give back to me in your kind comments. He is the Source of all good things.
Notice these words from David: Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Your name forever. For Your lovingkindness toward me is great, and You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol (Psalm 86:11-13). In order to properly appreciate God for what He has done for us and thank Him, we need His help in order to walk in His truth and fear His name. That means, of course, to live a faithful, Christian life before our Lord. For anyone to say they love Him and thank Him for the grace He has offered and then not to obey His commands or live a life pleasing to Him, is to be ungrateful to the extreme.
I want this thought on your heart. God loves you and has delivered you from more things than you probably even know. The fact that you are alive right now testifies to His deliverance. Show Him how much you appreciate His watchful care, His grace and His love. Give yourself fully to Him in faith and obedience. Know, really deep down, that He loves you and so do I.
Like Mount Zion
Sometimes it feels like all I ever say is that we should trust in the Lord to help us get through the difficult times in life. I know that to some that sounds a little too easy. And, if we are not careful, we will start to think of trusting in the Lord as the easy thing to say, but it doesn’t really work. I’m sorry that I don’t have anything to make that advice sound better or more attractive. All I have to offer is the very Scriptures that continue to tell us to trust God and He will get us through!
In Psalm 125:1 we read: Those who trust in the Lord are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. It is a simple statement and, like I said, some are not going to believe it can be that simple. But it can! It really is just that simple!!
I look forward to the New Year and the opportunities it will present. At the same time I know there will be some difficult things to deal with. If it’s like every other year of my life, there will be those I know who will pass from this life in the coming twelve months. Who knows…I might be one of them! The psalmist’s words above tell me that if I trust in the Lord, I will not be moved, no matter what happens. Not being moved does not mean that nothing will affect me, or that I will be cold and impassive. It means that nothing can overcome me and move me away from the grace of God. The most difficult thing that you will have to deal with in the coming year will not destroy you or your faith if you will trust in God to get you through it.
The really comforting part of Psalm 125 is found in the next verse. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever (Psalm 125:2). Now we understand why those who trust in the Lord are not moved. They find themselves within the protective arms of our Lord and Savior, Jehovah God! How comforting is that…to know that God “surrounds” you from now on? Why should I worry?
Last week I mentioned that a lot of people have a hard time this time of year for a variety of reasons. I choose to look at the New Year as a new opportunity. The slate is clean, so to speak. I have definitely noticed that the years go by more quickly now than when I was a kid. The good part of that is that I get to start working on a New Year sooner every year (it seems).
I hope you will begin the New Year later this week with the determination to trust in God no matter what happens to you. If you’re suffering right now, trust Him right now! If everything is going good now, trust in God and fortify yourself and your faith; determine to trust God and make yourself strong and ready for the trials to come, because, I’m afraid, they will come. Be of good cheer, however. Know that God is on your side and that He loves you and so do I.
In Psalm 125:1 we read: Those who trust in the Lord are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. It is a simple statement and, like I said, some are not going to believe it can be that simple. But it can! It really is just that simple!!
I look forward to the New Year and the opportunities it will present. At the same time I know there will be some difficult things to deal with. If it’s like every other year of my life, there will be those I know who will pass from this life in the coming twelve months. Who knows…I might be one of them! The psalmist’s words above tell me that if I trust in the Lord, I will not be moved, no matter what happens. Not being moved does not mean that nothing will affect me, or that I will be cold and impassive. It means that nothing can overcome me and move me away from the grace of God. The most difficult thing that you will have to deal with in the coming year will not destroy you or your faith if you will trust in God to get you through it.
The really comforting part of Psalm 125 is found in the next verse. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever (Psalm 125:2). Now we understand why those who trust in the Lord are not moved. They find themselves within the protective arms of our Lord and Savior, Jehovah God! How comforting is that…to know that God “surrounds” you from now on? Why should I worry?
Last week I mentioned that a lot of people have a hard time this time of year for a variety of reasons. I choose to look at the New Year as a new opportunity. The slate is clean, so to speak. I have definitely noticed that the years go by more quickly now than when I was a kid. The good part of that is that I get to start working on a New Year sooner every year (it seems).
I hope you will begin the New Year later this week with the determination to trust in God no matter what happens to you. If you’re suffering right now, trust Him right now! If everything is going good now, trust in God and fortify yourself and your faith; determine to trust God and make yourself strong and ready for the trials to come, because, I’m afraid, they will come. Be of good cheer, however. Know that God is on your side and that He loves you and so do I.
Glory to God in the Highest
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased” (Luke 2:14). You probably recognize this verse as the song the angels sang to the shepherds when Jesus was born. Yesterday, in our morning worship service, we talked about the really important part of the story of Jesus. I know most people of our culture think about the birth of Jesus during Christmas week because of the tradition that many people believe; that Jesus was born on December 25. Of course, Scripture does not tell us when Jesus was born and it never commands us to commemorate His birthday. Still, with so many people thinking that “Jesus is the Reason for the season,” we ought to take advantage of that mindset and use the opportunity to teach the really important lesson of the coming of Jesus.
Scripture does tell us that Jesus was born in a manger because there was no room at the inn (Luke 2). However, even more important than the fact that Jesus was born innocent (as all babies are born innocent, Matthew 18:3), Jesus lived a perfect life and died an innocent Man. His innocence allowed Him to become the propitiation for our sins (Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 4:10; Hebrews 2:17). “Propitiation” means “only acceptable sacrifice.” His perfection and innocence allowed Him to become sin on our behalf. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). What all of this means is that because Jesus was born into this world, lived a perfect life and died on the cross for our sins, we have hope of eternal life.
I hope that you and your family have a wonderful holiday this week. However, I know that for many people, this is a difficult time of the year. It’s difficult for many reasons. Sometimes the end of the year is a “good” time for companies to lay off some of their workers and so some of you may have experienced losing your job. For others, Christmas was a time when a loved one passed from this life. I’m told that for a variety of reasons, the holiday season is a time when more people suffer depression and discouragement than at any other time of the year. It is for this reason that I want to share with you the hope that you can have at Christmas or New Year’s or any other day of the year.
As important as the birth of Jesus was and as glad as I am that He was born, it is far more important that He lived, died and was raised again and therein lies your hope. This is why you can rejoice this week, whether you have anyone to celebrate Christmas with or not. Jesus Christ loves you no matter what your holiday traditions are (or are not). Holidays are left up to the individual and do not matter when it comes to your spiritual well-being (Romans 14:5,6). What matters is your being on His side so that He will be on yours. You may have a heavy load to bear, but Jesus will help you bear it. “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). He can help you carry it. Let Him!
If any of you are suffering right this moment; if you are dreading this week because of the pain it always brings; if there are new and specific afflictions that are assaulting you now, it is our prayer that you know that God loves you and is ready, willing and able to give you a peace that surpasses all comprehension (Philippians 4:7). Oh…before I forget…I love you, too!
Scripture does tell us that Jesus was born in a manger because there was no room at the inn (Luke 2). However, even more important than the fact that Jesus was born innocent (as all babies are born innocent, Matthew 18:3), Jesus lived a perfect life and died an innocent Man. His innocence allowed Him to become the propitiation for our sins (Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 4:10; Hebrews 2:17). “Propitiation” means “only acceptable sacrifice.” His perfection and innocence allowed Him to become sin on our behalf. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). What all of this means is that because Jesus was born into this world, lived a perfect life and died on the cross for our sins, we have hope of eternal life.
I hope that you and your family have a wonderful holiday this week. However, I know that for many people, this is a difficult time of the year. It’s difficult for many reasons. Sometimes the end of the year is a “good” time for companies to lay off some of their workers and so some of you may have experienced losing your job. For others, Christmas was a time when a loved one passed from this life. I’m told that for a variety of reasons, the holiday season is a time when more people suffer depression and discouragement than at any other time of the year. It is for this reason that I want to share with you the hope that you can have at Christmas or New Year’s or any other day of the year.
As important as the birth of Jesus was and as glad as I am that He was born, it is far more important that He lived, died and was raised again and therein lies your hope. This is why you can rejoice this week, whether you have anyone to celebrate Christmas with or not. Jesus Christ loves you no matter what your holiday traditions are (or are not). Holidays are left up to the individual and do not matter when it comes to your spiritual well-being (Romans 14:5,6). What matters is your being on His side so that He will be on yours. You may have a heavy load to bear, but Jesus will help you bear it. “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). He can help you carry it. Let Him!
If any of you are suffering right this moment; if you are dreading this week because of the pain it always brings; if there are new and specific afflictions that are assaulting you now, it is our prayer that you know that God loves you and is ready, willing and able to give you a peace that surpasses all comprehension (Philippians 4:7). Oh…before I forget…I love you, too!
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